Snow Leopard and audio quality

I just took the trouble of making a clean install of Snow Leopard on my dedicated MacMini systems with iTunes 9.

I am convinced that the new software and the clean install have made an extraordinary improvement in my computer & DAC-based music systems.

Tonality, depth, detail, soundstage, musicality: all seem to have improved in dramatic ways.

Has anyone else had the same experience?
ah, the x64 bit should have been next to the OS name. Sorry for that! I need to use a word editor for my posts :)

At any rate, I was actually surprised (and a bit T'd) that I didn't hear a difference between Win7 and Snow Leopard since I ran out and bought a Mac after reading these responses above and listening to my local dealer who also has a Mac. I waited too long to do the listening tests and now can't return the Mac.

I'm only 35 yo and wash out my ears regularly so I don't think my ears are bad!

One other tidbit was I used the same cabling (10' Transparent USB cable) for each system.
I just did a clean install of Snow Leopard, had been using Leopard before, and my first impressions are mixed. On one hand the sound is much more present, immediate, up front and "real" - much more "live, in the room." On the other hand, it's also more bright and fatiguing, and the tone and dimensionality of the lower end seems compromised. Anybody else share this experience?
Coverto... SL just made it possible for my DAC, cabling, and setup to fully reveal itself and the music (given the facts and limitations of digital files). I am still amazed and pleased at the improvement.

:) listening,

Which OS version number are you all referring to. I've got 10.5x, I think it's 10.56 or 10.58 but forget. I have not moved to 10.6 yet. Is that the one you call "Snow Leopard"?