So how many people jumped on the PS Audio Black Friday Sale For The BHK Amps And Pre Amp?

I just wondered how many people on this site jumped on the aggressive deals that were offered?
I wonder if its a success if more audio companies will jump on the bandwagon next year!
Thanks In Advance
Ag insider logo xs@2xeek
I believe that the amps and preamp at the special price is a very positive option for someone in the market, and I do receive Pauls daily message.
I ordered a preamp to go with my DirectStream DAC and BHK 250.  I was happy without a preamp, but thought I’d give the preamp a try at the great price they offered.
I doubt that other companies will follow suit. If you offer aggressive deals then your business becomes hooked on sales discounting because people won't buy during the year and instead will wait for the holiday sales.
pmotz, How do you like your BHK 250?  How would you characterize the sound and what speakers are you using, if you don't mind telling us?
Tomcy6, I very much like the BHK250!  I’m using with Vandersteen 5 and I think it is a good match.  I was using an Audio Research Classic 60 and the BHK has better definition and low end.  Not to mention I don’t need to change expensive power tubes any more (there are two input tubes on the BHK but they are cheap).