Solid Silver Ethernet Cable?

I am using a Netgear device to accept the wireless signal from my J River Music Server and it is then connected to my PS Audio PerfectWave DAC MkII with the Bridge option with a standard ethernet cable. Knowing the sonic difference between PS Audio's I2S-10 and the solid silver I2S-12 HDMI cables that I tried between transport and DAC I felt that the inexpensive ethernet cable could be a weak link so I began searching for a solid silver ethernet cable and discovered 2; a Denon product at about $500 and a Wegrzyn Cable model at an MSRP of $200 for 2ft.

Because many audiophiles are now streaming music either directly connected from server to DAC via an ethernet cable or wirelessly to a device that is then connected to a DAC via ethernet cable, I feel that it is important to pass along that I purchased the Wegrzyn ethernet cable and it has made a substantial improvement in transparency, detail and that "you are there" quality without any downside to any other part of the music.

Silver seems to be the best material to transport digital signals to my ears and eyes (video). I have spent many thousands of dollars on interconnect, power and speaker cables that have made sonic differences so it makes sense to me that I should try other things that carry signals. This improvement is greater than replacing standard fuses with Hi-Fi Tuning's top of the line models.

Wegrzyn Cables' solid silver HDMI cables are astonishing for 1080P video and are the only cost effective alternative to Audioquest. Good luck and happy listening!!
The best way by far to get music out of a player
Such as mine the most cost effective and superior setup vs my last
Setup. Ethernet for me is just to use Wifi to my Ipad to direct my library and router.
Direct connection is allways best for performance,streaming is nice for casual listening. Maybe some day it will be equal
The Auralitti digital player,Mytek dsd digital dac WD external hd
Best cables to use Wireworld platinum USB -hd-Auralitti pk-90 player ,
Then Audioquest Diamond firewire from player to Mytek
This setup is 1/2 the price of the Bryston setup I had and sounds better.with less glitches,by far,Auralitti wrote the basis code for the Bryston bdp.
P.s use quality powerords also.
Tip of the day check out brick for connecting all digital, preamp
Dvd player , for $250 bettered units well over $1k.
From a technical standpoint, given the packetized and buffered nature of ethernet data transmission, and given that the timing of D/A conversion is inherently asynchronous to the timing of the ethernet data, as I see it there are only two means by which an ethernet cable that isn't defective could affect sonics:

1)RFI (radio frequency interference) that is emitted from the cable affecting downstream circuit points.

2)RFI that is picked up by the cable somehow manages to bypass the ethernet interface at the receiving end and affect downstream circuit points.

Were those effects to have any significance in a given setup, cable shielding and cable geometry could conceivably make a difference. But not silver vs. copper.

IMO. Regards,
-- Al
So let me get this straight:

You're using a wireless signal from your source to 2 ft from your DAC and then have your DAC connected by the last 2 feet by a solid silver ethernet cable?

It seems to me that you would be better off selling the silver ethernet cable and using the proceeds to wire your house for ethernet, eliminating the need for the wireless connection. It will be more secure, not subject to interference and signal degradation with distance, walls, etc.

My semi-managed 24-port ethernet switch shows me that the number of successfully transmitted and received data packets over all ports number in the millions, and the number of errors is zero. There's no silver involved in my home's network wiring, and the wires are much longer than your 2ft cable.

I personally have a hard time with exotic materials in digital data cables that transmit data in packets when we have very proven conventional cables that do this flawlessly.

Just my 2 cents.
