Solidstate substitute for Bat Vk75se?

I run my bat 8 to 12 hrs. a day and am looking
for a solid state to run most of the time(keeping the
bat for special listening sessions). I've auditioned
the following;Pass lab 150 and 250,Bat Vk6200,Classe 200
monos,Krell 200c,Bat 200,Arcam 85,Bel Canto, and the
Mac 350. Surprisingly the Bel Canto has been my favorite,
but still not there. I'm interested in the Jeff Roland
product and the new PS Audio Cassic 250 they are releasing
soon. Any input on this subject would be appreciated. Thanks Randy
Out of the amps you mentioned, Saxman, I'm with you in that I'm surprised you prefer the Bel Canto. I've tried the Bel Campo, Krell, and others, and I strongly prefer the perfect clarity of the Pass Labs X-150. It is the only solid state I've ever heard to seduce me away from tubes. For me, the Pass amp has all of which I liked about tubes (liquid clarity), with none of the downside (euphonics and over sweetness.) I keep tubes in line though, with a tubed cd player. You don't mention what pre you are using. That would make or break any listening to amps.
It is so hard to audition amps without my own front
end. I did like the clarity of the Pass Lab,but seemed
alittle metallic in the mids(maybe it was the components in
front). My current system is as
follows;Bat VK75se
Bat Vk DK5se(24 bit)
Bat VK 50se
Nordost SPM speaker cables
JM Lab 936 speakers
Rel storm 111 sub
I'm going back to the shop with Pass lab for another
audition. I've rolled my tubes and am very happy,but
haven't had much luck finding duplicates.
Not sure how you're hooking up, but my X150 definitely sounds better with balanced interconnects in my setup. Just something to consider.
Mrowlands reminded me, I too found a decided improvement using the Pass amp balanced. From what I understand, the Pass X series don't fully utilize their super symmetry circuitry unbalanced. I'm using the Aleph P which I found an improvement over a Sonic Frontiers Line 1 tube pre I was using. My Pass duo is hooked up to Apogee Duetta Signatures (full range ribbon). A humble Jolida JD 100 tube outstage cd player, and a venerable AR turntable are affordable wonders as front ends.

We had a cd player party at my place recently, and everyone could clearly hear all the differences between the players. The Pass will passively pass on whatever you prefer in sound.(geesh)