Some tables have soul and some not

Why is that? Do you think it is always very subjective?
Say, Nottingham Spacedeck does have it and SME does not even if in some respects SME can be called a better or depending on model much better table.
Thoughts, opinions, name callings ?
Rok2id, after some of your posts I definitely need a drink.
Scotch, shaken not sturred.
Dear Inna, 'Very dark territory' indeed. Regarding the former Yugoslavia. All former republics of Yugoslavia want to become member of the E. Union. In this Union however there are no borders. When I travel to Germany I don't need any personal document. The war in Yugoslavia was about the borders. When those 'Slavic brothers' become member of the E. Union they will all realize how stupid they were. Not to mention immense loss of lifes and properties which can't be compensated in any way.

Rambo Rik, Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia were part of Austrian empire till 1918. After the I WW Bosnia become part of Serbia while Slovenia and Croatia become part
of new Yugoslavia as kingdom of Serbian , Croatian and
Slovenian. The state Yugoslavia was ,say, contructed from
those 3 nations. What are the Bosnians? Well there is a muslim part from the Turks who were left behind, Serbians who become muslim, Ortodox Serbians and Croatians. Bosnia
was never an separate state.
During the II WW there were Hitlers collaborators everywhere as you put it. I know about France (Vishi regime ?), Holland and Yugoslavia much more than about other countries but assume that his method was the same in
all by Germans occupied countries. For many people there was no other choice then to collaborate in order to survive. Hitler was not used to ask anyone if he would be
so kind to collaborate. The Dutch fight against German was
about 6 days... The most Jews were delivered to the Germans so to speak. But thy , the Dutch , apologized to the Izraeli for this fact. They are aware to have be wrong. But I disagree with your statement: 'the Nazis deed not murder the Jews and the Gypsis'. They murdered the most of them to my knowledge. But you may mean 'indirectly' while puting it as 'directly'.
In Yugoslavia however the Jews had the chance to fight with partisans against the Germans. All those mountains of which Inna is so fond were the right precondition to fight in a partisan way. However in Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia
there were also pro Hitler military organizations so in some sense everyone was fitghing agains everyone else the Germans included. Very confusing to fight this way.Ie 'the
enemy' was everywhere.
To add to what Nandric said, there was a very strong resistance movement in France. We should remember those people.
Good evening, gentlemen.
This is my way to honour those French who cannot hear it for themselves. Let us do it for them and celebrate life.