Some tables have soul and some not

Why is that? Do you think it is always very subjective?
Say, Nottingham Spacedeck does have it and SME does not even if in some respects SME can be called a better or depending on model much better table.
Thoughts, opinions, name callings ?

why should Marakanetz leave to the Netherlands? In the US he has much more freedom, belive it or not. Besides of that I learned that 5% of the US population has contact with drugs. If he wants he is not alone.

My current favourite is the EMT R 80 with the Ortofon RMA 305 tonearm.

best & fun only
" I say it every morning to my wife, she is Vietnamese..."

I tried to tell my wife that also. She is german. she always says 'Sei Still untermensch!' I gave up.
"every time I said good morning or Morgen they always replied with AUSLÄNDER RAUS"

this is, Rok2id, good tradition in Germany. Ausländer raus ( foreigners should leave) is a clear message. I say it every morning to my wife, she is Vietnamese...

best & fun only
My problem is not about the hippy way. My concern is about the speed of life, the selfish and closed in a golden cage way of life. I thought that a hippy needs to live on a direct contact with nature instead of to constitute another cog of the machine. The development of violent atomicity in cities is a dangerously INAPPROPRIATE environment for a hippy to grow any kind of freedom in his/her heart. The danger is to become a benefited wicked yuppie full of facilities behind the mask, without realising the growing distance from the true values that the spirit needs. The provided by schools scientific education does not help to the desired direction. Ιt takes more soul, faith and kindness for the transmission of giving mercy. Freedom of expression is just window displays. Who gives a shit about weed. This is not the only way to open your mind.
Geoch, There are tons of hippies there especially in Netherlands. The music common in Netherlands is a hippie music blends of pshychodelic rock, fusion and jazz-rock. It's a common misconception that hippie is uneducated and Mary-Joanna is heavier than alcohol.
At the ancient game about the enslavement of a people, two of the most critical achievements was the European Union & NATO.
Or the expression "peacemaker" has any live bounce ?
I would put a doubt on what is served for our protection.
All we need is love not surveillance. Culture (PAIDEIA) instead of enforcement. The sterile education is culpable for our abjection as human existence as it can only serves the money and it's vulgar projects. I doubt if a hippie can survive in Netherlands.
"and I thought I am not left alone with my language problem"

I can appreciate your language problems. When I first arrived in Germany, I thought the German word for 'good morning' or 'good day' was AUSLANDER RAUS! Because every time I said good morning or Morgen they always replied with Auslander Raus! Of course it could have been that hard to understand barvarian language.
Marakanetz, you better move to the Netherlands, what keeps you?
Thuchan, I knew that in your heart you prefer Continuum to other tables. There is something special in what those mates down under do and make.
Tibet should be protected at all costs, if it's gone we will be gone too.

and I thought I am not left alone with my language problem...

best & fun only
I also do not understand why the US went into Iraq for the 2nd campaign. Of course it was a tyrannized country but ...
In Bosnia the Nato intervention did support peace efforts - sorry Nandric - but this is a historical fact. In Afganistan I learned that different countries try to occupy the zone of influence since 150 years. What is the difference to Tibet? And politicians in Germany told us the Peace of the World will be defended at the Hindukush.
you're right in many cases interests or misleading political concepts have some impact on so called peace keeping activities. Henry Kissinger received the Nobel Price for drawing Cambodia on the war table.

But being a SuperPower or to tag it differently: the last remaining SuperPower - the US has not the freedom to stay away like the Germans did in Libya.

best & fun only
"Most people in Germany cannot understand a word if a real Bavarian uses his tongue. I am often in Texas and the dialect overthere is a bit similar... or am I wrong?"

This is what as known as a TWOFER. you are wrong and wrong.
Libyan "encounter" that started mainly from sabotage, happened to be the quick chance for US-Obama to have quick victory and to boost up the rating.
Other than that, the same mess as in Iraq or Afgan. Also same reasons of oil rages. Who gave us right to dictate our needs on someone else's territories???
Being US Citizen, I don't wish my pocket to be geopardised by such encounters neither to fight 'cash crop' operations. I'm hippie that wants piece and weed without getting busted and prosecuted.
you're right, indeed this weekend it will be the Continuum. I have always something to improve or to change a little on my TTs. Maybe this is the thrill. But I know others might not understand this. Just having let's say a complete SME table with SME arm and believing I am a happy man would not satisfy me. Some people told me why do you have five TTs with 12 tonearms? - we only need one each! My reply was: This is fine for you.

I prefer emotion, why not discuss a little emotionally without bringing the other down. I liked the discussion we had before some guys left the theater.
we are learning as you do with the Bavarian language. Most people in Germany cannot understand a word if a real Bavarian uses his tongue. I am often in Texas and the dialect overthere is a bit similar... or am I wrong?

best & fun only
"Isn't it interesting that only Europeans are remaining in this conversation?"

That's ONE way of putting it.
Thuchan, about Bavarian language. I of course don't speak it either. A few months ago I read an article on BBC news by a British scholar who studies rare European languages. He has been travelling all over Europe for decades doing it. That's how I know what I said.
Isn't it interesting that only Europeans are remaining in this conversation?
Frogman and Rnadell, have you taken a leave of your senses? Why are you whining?
Thuchan, you mean Continuum turntable? Does it have a very special Australian spirit? Australia is more than a country, it's a continent.
I forgot love is a very important word -good you mention it.
I do not speak Bavarian so maybe there is a special word for it too...

This week the security conference starts in Munich just vis a vis of my office dealing also with the Asian challenge in the next 20 years. Maybe this will have some impact on our future too.

As all around my office barriers are erected to secure protection for the participants (not the mental barriers some people put on themselves) I will go sitting in front of my turntable enjoying the soul of peace...

best & fun only
Killing people is never good. If you look at Syria at the moment (just as an example) what is the best doing right now? When the world looked at Bosnia when the war started what was the best to stop it? It is always a question when and with what kind of measurements you`ll reach peace (your own words).
Prostitution and drug abuse (or a mix of both) is also very bad and I hope we see severe measurements from our country governments stopping this.

best & fun only
What? Killing people is better than prostitution? By the way, Inna's soul contains the desire to kill as well, it is just not predominant desire.
What is going on in good old Bavaria? Ah, I got it. In Bavarian language there is no word for love, that's the root problem.
Dear Geoch,
I have highest respect for your freedom activities but we need talking about these historical events. Otherwise people forget. We in the Western countries now live in peace but there are many problems around the world and some countries like Russia and China try to block UN initiatives all the time. OK this topic is a bit distant to Inna`s soul but better than prostitution...

Best & fun only
Dear Nandric,
I do understand your national pride. But looking back to the dark times during the Bosnian war isn`t it better right now. Okay not everything solved but it is developing into a good direction also for Serbia.
Using military power during a controversy is always the last measurement but sometimes it is necessary. Look at Libya.
Military personal tend usually to simplifying which is sometimes necessary to keep their motivation. You may not reach a soldier by philosophy.

Best & fun only
And prostitution too. Look at Europe, in most countries it is legal or what they call tolerated though officially illegal. After all this is one of the most respected professions.
By the way, the current president is not black, he is half black/half white.
Inna please stop with this kind of jokes every now and then. I have pissed my pants on laughing. I aknowlege that you have a charisma to push us to the edge with your paradox, wired and straightforward questions, but let me take a breath or I'm gonna shit my shelf if you send another one like this.
There is always peace to be found on the other side of war, isn't it? That's what wars are all about - to find peace.
Well, we've had our first black president as historical milestone... I now wish to have a president that would make pot and poker legal as historical milestone.
Did we really think that the global news on TV or newspapers were speeking the truth around the world?
Facts were made and hidden as the case on the mass media by the master of puppets and his clan who has invested in war.
What I find hard to believe is how it is possible for any one to seek for any justice, when we have the knowlege that history in particular and especialy the dark pages, is a matter of perspective among the nations for whom it is served and imposed by the masterchef. Sometimes is better to write open, freely expressing our internal flame on the text and at the end to press the delete button instead of posting. We can choose to not scandalize provoke and fluster our forum mates for as we are here as guests. And I mean all of us! So, let's crank some Jimi now : "Hey baby" (New rising sun).
Dear Geoch, You shoud know better than other members what
kind of destruction USA military caused in Serbia. You
are a neighbour of Serbia while your country was the only one to support us during this American demonstration of their destructive capabilities. For this American military
imbecile I have no pity and he demonstrated clearly in this thread what kind of person he is. But I will not participate in this thread anymore. I have stated what I have to say.

No he can't. He's promised. How about you Nikola?
I suggest a break to calm down a bit :
Rambo Rik, Can you quote my statements in which I insulted
'this country' or my mentioning wherevere of 9/11? Regarding the 'courage' of the USA Military you should not confuse them with American people. Military organisation is an separat institution in America. A very expensive organisation with its own agenda for which all Americans need to pay. However you need to explain to American people what kind of benefit they got from you the military.
I never mentioned 9/11 in any of my statements. But I will
now. Your military mind has no problem of any kind with
boming other countries from 5000 m. distance in the air nor with missile fired at the syties with urban population and no military installations at all but you are crying the crocodile tears for three buldings in the USA. You shoud consult a shrink for such a inbecility.
Helooooo!! Rambo, Srebrenica was and still is Serbian ground. As a military expert you should know that Serbia as a Western ally in the I WW was a kingdom which included
all Yugoslav territory except Croatia and Slovenia. It was called the kingdom of Serbians, Croatians and Slovenians.
Ie Serbia consisted of all of the rest terrytory. In the II WW Hitler used the 'national semtiments' to play off those 'Slavic brothers' against each other. In Croatia he installed an pro German governement. In the Croat trains, trams ,etc. there was a poster with this inscription: 'forbidden for dogs, Jews and Serbians'. I will spare you the details because I assume that you are well informed. After the war the communist party and 'çomprad Tito' devided Yugoslavia in 6 republics dismantling Serbia as a previous state. The post war Yugoslavia was dismatled by Germany (Gentscher) by unilateral German recognition of Croatia as a separate state. So the history 'repited itself' alas but it is abvious that the small countries are stil dominated by the big one. Strange to see an American 'military expert' with approval of the communist division of the (former-former) Yugoslavia. Your approval is obvious because you
assume that Bosnia is some separat state. Separat from Serbia that is. What are Bosnians according to you? The most of them are Serbians some of whom become Moslem during the Turkish occupation. If your 'military expert' status involve any historical knowledge than I hope that no American administration will need your advice.
My last comment, to explain my posts and then I am out of here.

He insulted this country
He questioned the courage of the US Military
He said we got what we deserved on 9/11

I understand him.

What I don't understand is, why no one on this site took offense.

Peace out.
Dear Inna, I can only make some assumptions about you by
reading your post. You are to my suprise an eloquent person in the sense of education. Thanks to your latest contributions I was eble to see this. Hoever you are changing and twisting my arguments. I deed try to give verifiable arguments for all my statements. I deed not use the 'method ' of calling names as you and Rambo Rik. He got
'the source' for the 'sense versus reference' distinction
in Frege and you both got the recommendation to read about
Galileo versus religon issue. I was reluctant to recommend Darwin in this context for abvious reasons. Now regarding the 'Serbian collective soul' (the 'wild kind') I try to axplain this in, say, geo-political way. Why the Balkan is so important for the conquerors I have no idea. There is nothing to plunder there. But if one is forced to defend
him self this is as I called it 'necessity' not 'the soul'. BTW I already stated in my first post in this thread the problem of using methaphors: overybody has his own interpretation with as consequence that an inanimate object like a TT appears to have unlimited number of souls.

Splendid. You don't have much faith in your collective soul. What happened to that wild Serbian spirit in you I was talking about? No wonder that the subject of the discussion is totally incomprehensible to you for now. But you want to comprehend, that's why you keep participating and that's why I keep responding to you.
As for your surprise with what I know, I am surprised with that. How can you possibly know what I know and what I don't? As we say it in America - assumption is the mother of all f...-ups. And as you say it in Europe - f...-up is the mother of all assumptions. Both are correct.
Dear Inna, 'born warríor' is a methaphor which make more sense than the methaphor of 'the soul in a TT'. You are obviously selective qua methaphors but without fundation.
To be honest I am suprised that you know anything about
Serbia, Holland and tribes in Pakistan. But 'to become a
warrior is a way of never te grow up' is of bewildering
naivety . Ever heard about 'compulsory (military) service'
(Vietnam) . Ever heard about a farmer who started any war?
Ie it is certainly not a question of free choice. The fate
of Serbia was more determinated by the geo-politacal place
then the 'Serbian soul'. But if one grow up in a continul
war state one become a warrior by necessity. The people have no other choice than to defend their ground. To impress our Rambo Rik: Hitler needed 500000 soldiers in the 'tiny' Yugoslavia to keep the 'feedpipe' for Germany
functional. For the same 'military expert': ever heard about Koerks and Stalingrad where the Germans were actually defeated? The American invasion of Sicily started pretty late in July 1943. As you are sellective with methaphors the Rambo Rik is sellective in the II W.W. history.

As Roman senators could say: " There are better things than war" and would go to the brothel with the best on-site musicians. And they would be absolutely right, I think.
Dear Inna,

Tapes are wonderful but very costly. At the moment I watch the "Tape Community" seeing that quite an amount of really good Master Tape Copies (not 2nd and 3rd ones) are entering the market for lower prices as it used to be three years ago, usally Jazz and Rock copies.

It will always be a niche in the audiophile's room but a very nice one.

I happened to align my old Ortofon-Stereo arm much better now, taking into account some forgotten recipies from the 50 ies and 60 ies of the last century. My friend advised me. My god, this combination - EMT and Ortofon - has soul! I am not saying it to praise myself but giving a hint that it is worth a try ending up with a perfectly adjusted EMT idler. I also do understand that people like the Garrard 301 cause it has soul too - even if it bears some limitation. Unfortunately most of the modern concepts lost their soul somewhere on the "distortion tooling bench".
Dear Nandric,
the debt issue was ironic - at least the perception thing. You were too much on the war trail motivated by Rok2id ? Of course your statement regarding this issue is totally right.

Dear Rok2id,
I just returned from Pearl Harbour having learned that some 50.000 US army and marine staff are working on the islands. 188 ships in the Pacific Fleet right now!. This is nearly as much as the Romans had :-) okay we forgot the other half of the world...

best @ fun only
Holland is a very liberal society though got a little harder recently as I heard. Actually just about any place I hear about is getting harder. Just imagine what will happen if they do find that God particle and keep playing with that stuff. Boys with toys, that's for sure. As someone said, what we study we change, and we have no idea how.
So..before buying a turntable we should try to understand the designer, and ourselves.
I guess this is an example of that wild spirit. No wonder he now lives in holland. The useless dutch were accomplices.