Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors - Room Size


I liked the way SF Cremona Auditors present music. I like totem sound as well. But SF Cremona Auditors sounded a bit better to my taste. But I have a doubt whether such a small monitor with 6" woofer can fill a 20 x 20 room with music or not. The other options I like are SF Grand Piano Domus (a lot more than I want to pay), Totem Forest and Totem Hawk. Can you please let me know how will cremna auditor perform in a 20 x 20 room. I am thinking of pairing SF (both GP and Cremona Auditor) with cary SLI 80.


I would like to spend around $1000 for a USED/NEW sub which can match Cremona Auditors nicely in a 2 channel set-up....particularly the one that can help me fill a room of size 20 x 20 x 18



I think the upcoming smaller Zu subwoofer will be around $1500. Frankly, at $1000, I recommend forgoing the subwoofer and waiting until you can accumulate the cash for one of the Zus. But as a backup if you must have a subwoofer now, you might consider something in your price range from SVS (


If I go with Cremona Auditors, Cary SLI-80 and REL sub....

1. How can I hook-up the sub into the system ? (Cary SLI 80)

2. Some folks have suggested putting in two subs into the system to amke it sound non-directional. If so, how can I hook-up two subwoofers to cary sli 80?

3. How can I make sure the sub and auditors synch with each other for the differen frequencies of the sound ?
