Sonus Faber Cremonas or JM lab Diva

I am thinking of buying either the Sonus Faber Cremona Floor Standers, or the JM Labs Divas for my home theater and initially to be used for my two channel. I have actually never heard either, but I like the lower end models by both except the JM Labs 907be which I was not crazy about. I will admit I got the green light to do this from my wife because of the way they look, so I think that choosing between the two is something I can live with, even though I know there are more choices out there. I love the Grand Pianos which I own, nd like the concertos which I have owned in the past. The Novas and the Altos are something special but I have never heard the Divas. I of course plan to audition both, but I would like to hear some opinions of other people. I will use the following equipment

First Sound Pre amp (Deluxe)

Cary v12r (intially not the monos, but I will move to them soon)

Balanced Audio Tech Super Tube CD or Sim Audio eclipse not decided. I would like to go with the Balanced but I am scared it would sound muddy.

I have also considered the Audes Orpheus.

I have even had someone suggest using two JM Labs LR's

Any thoughts?


Nice choice in speakers and direction. I have owned several JM Lab speakers in the past as well as three pairs of Sonus Faber speakers. I presently own the Grand Pianos and purchased them as really a stepping stone to the Cremonas.

However, my results have been so fantastic with the Grand Pianos, my upgrade path is just not so urgent. I would say you really need to give a listen to each speaker. If it were me, I would purchase the Cremonas without hesitation.

The JMs do have tha Magic in presentation especially when powered by Tube Gear. However, I listen to a lot of music that is not recording perfectly. The Sonus Fabers seem to make everthing enjoyable which I have found is NOT the case with the JMs I have owned.

Please don't get me wrong. I am not bashing the JMs by any means. They are wonderful speakers. I just think the Cremonas are awful hard to beat. Good Luck to you and congrats on your purchase of either or.

Chris In all honesty I feel the exact same way. I really was a little disappointed with the facts that the JM Labs did not out perform the Grand Pianos in my opinion. I was not disappointed in the JM Labs, I think I was more disappointed in myself for not buying something that I felt was a sonic improvment. I enjoy the JM Labs just not as much as I enjoy the Pianos. My thinking has been all along the Divas, but after coming to this conclusion with the Pianos I can't help but wonder what the Cremonas would sound like against the Divas. I guess if I was honest to myself I would admit that I guess I what I really want is someone to enlighten me on something great about the Divas. At this point comparing apples to apples and taking into consideration I am talking about roughly the same dollar amount if not a little cheaper for the Cremonas. I don't think the Divas stand to much of a chance ending up at the end of the chain.
keep the grand pianos......great performance and money in your pocket. even against the cremonias, unless you need heirloom quality furniture.
thanks for the response Jay, you are the second person to tell me there is not much difference between the Cremonas and Pianos. I want great performance most of all, but it would be a less than honest answer if I said that the way they looked had no bearing on my choice. I do not know if they have $4000 worth of influence though.
Taking what Chris said one step further, the JM Labs are more resolving and transparent than the Grand Pianos - at least in the systems I heard them in - and so will not be tolerant of electronics and recordings that lack quality. This is a double edged sword and I frequently have to be careful what electronics I get for my JM Labs as to not have an overly-detailed sound with so many "hyperhifi" components around. My personal preference is to have transparent speakers and tweak the sound to my liking using the electronics but the other way around may be better for others, like yourself. I think Cary V12s would work great as long as their noisefloor is low enough.

I have listened to the Divas several times and really like them. The Be tweeter is a little more laid back than the tioxid I have and so they are slightly less critical than mine. My dealer says the Divas sound just like the Altos, giving up only a little bass extension - but not weight. Arthur