sonus faber, vienna acoustics, proac

Hello everyone,

Currently I am using PMC FB1 and wondering if the following speakers would do a better job overall,

1.Sonus Faber Grand Piano ( or Grand Piano Home)
2.Vienna Acoustics Mozart ( or Beethoven)
3.ProAc Response D15 ( or Response 2.5)

I listen to classical music mostly, and I like neutral, smooth, non-fatigueing sound. Please don't hesitate to post your opinion. All advice welcome. Thanks.
First I want to preface this with saying I don't own any of the above speakers but did audition briefly the Grand Piano, Mozart and Beethoven when looking for speakers. Eventually went with a monitor bacause of small room.

The GPH to my ear would be the choice. The $4500 VA model Beethoven? Mozart? sounded real good to, but I still prefered the GPH. The $2500 VA model didn't impress, bass sounded disjointed from mids and highs. Also found the $1500 Bach to have the same problem.

I auditioned them with Acoustic Jazz and really felt the GPH were designed with Acoustic music in mind. Very natural presentation without sounding Hifi.

Go to You can find dozens of owner reviews there about the speakers in question.
I think the V-A Beethoven is the best choice out there for about any style of music if you have the "room" for it. If not then the Mozart work very well. However, I'm a fan a of the GPH....I think you have a very difficult decision in front of you.

I have owned most of the VA line. They do have a different setup than most speakers. They also sound bad with monster cable and B+K amps. The Beethovens are very good. I liked them better than the GHP.

i did an A-B comparision between the 2 at tweeter,and end up purchasing the beethoven..i think the VA lines are better in clarity and the faber are better in the bass.
I cannot respond as to the other two speakers - but I just purchased the Sonus Faber Conserto Grand Piano. This is different from the Home and ( I think )is not made any more. After the set up I was enthralled. My old speakers are the Thiel CS 2.2 which I liked but could never make work in my room as to soundstage and imaging. These speakers are smaller in size and only a two way design - I was worried as to the bass - well I was delighted with the low end as much as the upper end octaves. Part of the problem with the Thiels is my room - They want more space. So with the the SFGP's I now have the sound I want - As for your taste in classical - this speaker is very neutral - from what I understand the SF Home is geared more towards home theater. If you could audition the Concerto Grand Piano, you probably will hear a difference. Since I have not listened to your other speakers - I cannot comment - but I am happy with my pair.

Good luck -