Sony SCD-777ES as a transport

I am thinking of getting this unit to do double duty as a tranport and a stand alone super audio cd player. I would keep my current d to a and use the Sony as its tranport for normal cd's and use the Sony as a one box player for sacd's. Has anybody done this? Comments plesase.
Ag insider logo xs@2xkira
Try the Pioneer 414 or 525 as a transport instead. I think you will hear an improvement.
I just sold my SCD-777ES but not due to it being a bad transport,I actually think it's good but not exceptional.I can say that it's the best CD player/transport that Sony has ever made not including the SCD-1, and yes better than XA-7ES. I sold my unit because of the slow progress of having SACD materials to enjoy the unit to it's fullest. Like Marko445 I used the SCD-777ES with a Bel Canto DAC 1.
I use the Sony SCD 777ES as a transport via Kimber Illumation D60 to Levinson 360S and obtained a very respectable result with them. Mind you that the Sony takes a very long time to break in. Try at least 200 hours for each of the CD and SACD section.
Why would you want to add jitter to the signal? Buy it and use it for CD and SACD and keep what you have too.