Sony XA-5400es player...Giant Killer or just Ok?


I'm thinking of getting an used Sony 5400es from a local dealer.Some say that it's Great, I need to know the Real Deal.
Missioncoonery I have a modright modded Oppo 95 with tube output and tube regulated power supply. The sound killed the Playback Designs CD player I owned which sells for over 15,000.00. The PD is considered one of the best at any price. I sold the PD and kept my Oppo. I paid a total of 2,800.00 and could not be any happier.
Missioncoonery, JWM owned both the Sony & Oppo. I currently own both. Alpha3 was asking for opinions on the Sony and JWM was just trying to provide a bit more info on a competing player that is often chosen over the Sony; so what's your problem?

As for resale value of modded players, there's some truth to what you say, but Dan Wright isn't just a modder. He manufactures a very good line of equipment and has a great reputation with his customers. I'd wager a Modwright player will hold it's value far better than most of the other "crap" listed on this website, particularly the mega-buck players that plummet in value almost immediately and often sound mediocre compared to one of the Modwright players.

Missioncoonery, I should have stated I owned the Modright tube modded Sony XA-5400ES as well as the Oppo and both players were better than the PD. I kept the Oppo because I liked it better in my system. Yes you are entitled to your opinion, but you are not right. The bottom line is that a modded player beat the c-p out of the PD which many feel is the best cd player on the market.