Soundproofing and room correction for apartment?

Hey, was hoping to get some help on wife-friendly sound-proofing and room correction options.

I just moved to a new place and have a dedicated room, which is roughly 12' x 12' with 10.5' ceilings. I have neighbors above, below, and on the wall where my speakers are--not ideal. My system already sounds good (tremendous depth!) but there is definitely a little more reverb to the sound, a bit of bass slap and maybe too much depth, so voices sounded a tad recessed.

I was thinking of bass traps in the corners behind the speakers, and canvases lined with acoustic batting on each reflecting wall and on the ceiling, with a thick tapestry on the wall behind my head. I have a rug on the floor, and am going to put wall-to-wall carpeting with acoustic dimple pad underneath and corner mounts.

Am I missing anything? Is there a better approach? I can't obviously build another room in the room, and my wife draws the line at canvases on the wall, as WAF is an issue here, so it's gotta look nice, whatever I do.


BTW: My system is Devore Nines, Luxman L-550A II, MHDT Havana DAC, Mac MIni, and Clearaudio Performance TT all fed by Audience Adept Response AR12.
There is not that much one can do to soundproof an apartment that does not involve some construction work. What you are already planning is almost all you can do in that area. The use of carpeting, particularly with a very good pad that is designed to reduce sound transmission is the most important thing you can do. Wall treatments may reduce the amount of higher frequency transmission, but, bass is almost unstoppable without major work. An acoustic isolation platform under the speakers (instead of spikes or couplers) can help with isolation and actually improve the sound (e.g., Symposium Svelte Shelves) of the system.

Major work can be as little as adding another layer of sheetrock to the existing walls. There are adhesives that are designed to provide some acoustic isolation between the two layers ("Green Glue") and these are quite effective.

If you can't really isolate the walls, your best approach is to get your system/room to resolve and provide satisfying sound at LOWER volume levels. It appears that you are well on the way in those respects. I personally like the way Devore speakers sound at lower volume. Tube traps can do a lot to improve the sense of clarity and articulation in the system. Tapestries on the wall can tame higher frequency slap echo (try these first, without any special, ugly, acoustic treatments). Go slowly with acoustic treatment panels because it is easy to over do them and make the room sound sterile. Bookshelves and record racks make terrific sounnd diffusers (particularly if all the records are not pushed in all the way so that they create an irregular pattern.

Choice of speakers can also dramatically affect the amount of sound transmission. When I switched from electrostatic speakers to regular dynamic speakers I notice that there is a LOT more sound spilling out of the listening area with regular dynamic speakers. With dipole speakers (electrostics, planar speakers), the back and front waves are out of phase and cancel at the sides. This means that the soundfield is much more focussed in the area between the speakers. In particular, electrostatics work well in apartment situations because of this dipole cancellation and their ability to sound good at lower volume (bulky size and placement demands are the downside).
Thanks everyone for the answers. I'm going to go slowly and just do the acoustic pad under wall to wall carpeting then put in record shelving and a tapestry or two, plus drapes on the windows. If my neighbors complain, then I'll look into heavier-duty stuff. I own the place, and it's a Condo, so I can do what I want, but I'm just not going to do more sheetrocking, as it's already a smallish room. Something on the ceiling seems good, but what?
So I had a small chat with my neighbors yesterday who said they can hear the bass from my stereo. I was listening at not-overly loud levels, although for me that may be louder than for them. I'm clearly going to have to address this. That, or give up listening, which I don't see doing.

I'm looking into having a sheetrock ceiling put up with insulation between the original ceiling and the lowered one. I'll also have acoustic padding put on the floor with wall-to-wall over it. I just simply don't have the extra room (sorry for the pun) to put up additional walls, so I'm really looking for recommendations on what I can do with the walls now to make it better: canvases with acoustic batting in them? Corner mounts? Bass traps? What?

Also, anyone have any experience with putting their speakers on platforms to prevent bass traveling? That seems to be the biggest issue here.



You need to get a book on acoustics and soundproofing. It is pretty hard to isolate bass frequencies.

Most of what you can put on the walls and ceiling will attenuate higher frequencies, but lower frequencies are tough. I don't think bass traps will actually lower the amount of bass transmitted to another apartment appreciably, but, if they, and other acoustic treatment improves the sound, you would tend to want to listen at lower levels than before.

As i mentioned before, the use of another layer of drywall with "green glue" between the layers will provide some bass isolation. This should not take up that much more room (compared to a second wall). There is quite a bit of discussion of green glue if you google the term, such as the following:

A friend had a professionally designed (Rives) dedicated listening room installed in his home and a lot of that stuff was used in the construction.

I bet that the extrasheet rock on the ceiling (with green glue in between) and a really good pad under a thick carpet will do quite a bit to reduce noise transmission. This would absorb some of the energy and provide extra mass, which also inhibits transmission of sound. Doing the walls too, would help, even if the big problem is with transmission to higher and lower floors rather than next door, because bass energy transmitted into the structure travels everywhere.

An energy absorbing platform under the speaker or speaker stand should provide some isolation from direct transmission of vibration from the speaker itself to the floor. Even if it only provides a little help, it is better than nothing, and besides, it often improves the sound of the system.