Speaker cable recommendations please

Starting to think about what will replace my AQ Rockefellers. I feel like these are now possibly my weakest link.

Amplifier is the Ayre AX-7e, speakers are Amphion Argon.

I guess I like what many others do: excellent detail retrieval, tight punchy bass, realistic mids on the warm-ish side, non-fatiguing highs. Overall I prefer clarity/neutrality/detail over warmth.

Budget would be up to 1000, for used.

At some point I may give the anti-cables a trial run, just to gauge the hype. I don't see how these wouldn't be a downgrade though given the cost difference against what I have now. Who knows....?
the neotech ns-0225 with wbt connector is the best for your system,i bougth 1 pair i love it and i got 1 more pair to used bi amp,sound like over 3k speaker cables on the market.
How about some Cl2 12/2 or 10/2 featuring >99% pure OFC and quality insulation?
I mean, I hate to be The Cynical Guy, but...we're talking about electrical signals and the most appropriate/efficient conduit for them from point A to point B.
Pretty hard to beat insulated pure copper stranded wire for this task.
Clear Day is far superior to the anti-cable magnet wire. The first all silver cable that is not hyper or has that metallic haze to them. Very well rounded cable with good depth that all the speaker cables I have tried did not have. Great sound and a better bargain. Save and spend some money on a pair of Gabriel Gold Reflection ic's or KCI Silkworm plus.
Joncourage - I've had both the Cleardays and Kimber 8TC in my system and would recommend you try both. It might also be good to include something from Cardas in your shortlist, as it's meant to work well with Ayre and could balance out your Amphion's slightly analytical qualities.