Speaker cable upgrade

Is it make sense to you at all that I upgrade to an 8000 USD speaker cable for my system. I currently use 800 USD speaker cable and Audience 24 E interconnect
My sys as follow
Thiel CS3.7 14000 USD
BAT 32SE preamp 8500 USD
Power amp Rogue Audio Zeus 8000 USD
CD player BAT D5 SE 6500USD

Should I upgrade the speaker cable
Some of the usual suspects will howl and bark. If it makes sense to you, though, then it should not matter one bit to anyone else but you and your partner, as the case may be. Only caveat: make sure to audition first!!!
Enjoy the music.
Don't forget to try Kimber's Monocle XL and Wireworld's Eclipse Series in your auditions. Either one will present a very balanced(with regards to frequency), open and uncolored signal to your speakers. CRITICAL: Be certain they(or any others you try) have been burned-in for a couple hundred hours before deciding if you like them.
Doesn't make sense to me for many reasons but it's not my money your spending. Karefeld nailed it.