Speaker cables to go with Pass Labs XA160

Hi, I was wondering if anyone can make a speaker cable recommendation to go with the Pass Labs XA160. Becuase of the slight warmth and laid back nature of the Pass I want to get cables that are neutral, fast, and dynamic. My speakers are Usher BE-10. Any suggestions? Oh yeah, I dont want to spend mega bucks either so please keep recommendations below $1500.

Thank you....
Audience AU24 or a used pair of Purist Venustas (better but hard to find.)

I was surprised by your remark that the Pass XA is warm and laid back. It is supposedly very smooth compared to most SS amps -- but it is pure Class A, so I'd expect it to be very accurate; revealing and articulate without being hard or glarey.

I tried to look at the rest of your system, but I guess it's all changed.
TBooe - I would have to say Purist as well, BUT - the Aqueous Anniversary speaker cables fit this system perfectly and are a much better sonic match than the Venustas. The Au24's are going to be too wamr and soft in the lower frequencies, which is NOT a good characteristic with Pass amps. Go with the Purist Aqueous - you'll be very, very happy with the results and they fit your budget!
Go with the Purist Aqueous - you'll be very, very happy with the results and they fit your budget!
According to Tbooe's System Page, he is already using these cables. Which leads me to my question: why change?