Speaker Grill Cloth, On or Off

I was wondering how many members use their speakers with grill cloth removed? I realize that speakers may have been voiced/designed by manufaturer with cloth in place, but this is just another variable that effects sound. I do it both ways and seem to get slightly more detail with cloth removed. I also wondered if dust becomes a problem with cloth removed, especially in tweeter.

Probably any home with children will have cloth in place, just too tempting to touch that shiny tweeter dome.
Anyway what are members approaches to this.
My Harbeth C7 have a "Supergrill" designed to stay on. (In fact, it is a bitch to get them off and peek under the hood.) I, like Dekay, tend to get fixated on beautiful round things, if I am not careful.

Are we cool now, Brittany?
The Harbeths are voiced with the grills on, so that's the way I listen. AND Martin Colloms said they sound better that way. Yet, some people prefer them with grills off. So, it all depends. Try it both ways and see which you prefer. If you have a live room, probably better to leave them on. If you have a lot of soft furniture and curtains or sit a long way from your speakers, you might prefer the grills off.
Landmarkbldrs, just to let you know. Great post, very sensable and well thought out.
I have Merlin VSM-SE's and I always leave the grill off. There's a noticeable difference. I think Merlin recommends leaving them off too. They still sound great with the grill in place, but they lose a bit of high-end and immediacy. These speakers use the Esotar tweeter, so the high-end is very smooth.
I have some Osborn Epitomes w/extra woofers, that have a very transparent mesh grill on the speakers (you can actually see the drivers through the grills).I therefore leave the grills on at all times.