Speaker recommendation. have $2,500

My ideal speaker is Dynaudio C4. Obviously, not going to happen. Will be buying used. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.


Simaudio w-3
Simaudio P5.3
Lavry DA10
If you can find a clean pair, the Dynaudio 3.3's are actually quite good speakers, and they go for roughly $2,500-$3,000 used. They are also less forward than the C1/C2/C4, which is what many people find off putting about the sound of those models.

Of course, this recommendation assumes that you like the Dynaudio house sound, which you must if you like the C4's.
These have already been said but I will list them for you:

Vandersteen 2CE MKII
Magnepan 1.6
Gallo 3.1 Ref.

I've owned all three of these speakers and would agree with the great press they have gotten. Also check-out Jim Salk's offerings. I've heard his speakers at RMAF a number of times and have always been impressed. He has a strong following over on AudioCircle.
Check-out the new Magnepan 1.7. The retail is just under $2,000. Just saw these or I would have mentioned them before. http://www.enjoythemusic.com/ces_2010/preview/