Speaker Recommendation Needed


I just bought a Peachtree Nova 125se and am now looking for a good speaker match for me. I live in a small town so won't have an opportunity to audition anything. The speakers will go in my living room which is about mid-sized and opens up into the kitchen. I listen mostly to folk, soul and rock. I own a REL T5 sub which I can pair with a bookshelf to augment the bass but I also like the idea of small floorstanders. I usually turn up the treble a few notches but the Peachtree does not have tone controls so I would like to find a bright sounding speaker with a forward midrange as well. Here are some speakers i am considering:

1. Wharfedale Jade 3
2. KEF LS50
3. Dynaudio Excite X14
4. Monitor Audio Silver 6
5. Zu Audio Soul

What do you audio people think?



efficiency isn't problem.
any speaker with relatively stable impedance will be fine with tube amp.
moreover, lower efficiency speakers have lower noise floor.
dynaudio speaker may not be a good tube match.

Yes, efficiency is a problem due to how the OP wants to play them occasionally. See his previous post. Trying to play a higher volume in his room size with an inefficient small speaker is not advisable unless it has a high pass signal. Without the high pass, a result will be much higher distortion and possibly damage.

Thanks for all the great responses!

While the Peachtree does have a tube most of the reviews say it makes little discernable difference. Zu does feature there speakers with Peachtree Amps so at least in their opinion it is a good match.

I am surprised that efficiency is an issue since the amp puts out plenty of power. I am not going to be in the market for any new components other than the speakers for a long while. 

Taking everything into consideration what would be the best speaker choice for me with my setup?

"I am surprised that efficiency is an issue since the amp puts out plenty of power."

Having plenty of power is not the problem. Trying to play an inefficient small speaker full range at high volume will result in high distortion in the bass. It's just that the speaker is driven to its maximum output on peak excursions or possibly beyond which could result in damage. Take another look at your previous post.