speaker stand height for "floor seating" usage..?

perhaps an odd question, but wanted to get some opinion for what would be a proper stand height for my home office setup, where all seating is on the floor... japanese 'tatami' style.

my loudspeakers are 14.5" in height, can anyone give me an idea what i should probably be looking at in terms of stand height for this application... a search of past discussion threads did not deliver any clues. thx in advance for any opinion or clarification, thx friends..!
Conventional wisdom about speaker height is "tweeter at ear level", however with speakers that are intended to be heard well above the floor you might get too much upper bass reinforcement from the floor if you get them too low. You're just going to have to experiment. I'd just put some books/boxes under them and adjust them until they sound smooth.
I wonder if in this situation one should not try the speakers upside down, with the tweeter at ear level?
Or you could always try something along the lines of this or these. Not sure how they work, but have always been intrigued with the idea. And, they're adjustable so you can experiment and point the speakers at whichever angle works best. What more, with floor-level seating, I expect these could look right fine. Just a thought.