Speaker suggestions

I have had the same speakers(signet 280ex) for about 15 years. It is time to replace them. They are really mid-fi. My first listen was comparing them to a pair of Dali Ikon 6's. The Ikon's bested my speaker in every category! Detail, Dynamics, Bass, Bass Clarity, Evenness across the frequencies. BUT I did find the Dali's too bright for my tastes, plus the drop in the American Dollar has caused the price of the Dali's to go from $1550 to $1750 to now $1900! Literally 3 or 4 months ago this same speaker would have cost me nearly $200 less. A year before that $350 less. I considered the Jean-Marie Reynaude Euterpe, but those went from $1995 to $2895 4 months ago- $900 more!!!

Sooooo, I am looking for suggestions for speakers....preferabally something not imported from Europe.

My System:

Audioquest PT6 tonearm
Soon to be Benz Woodbody "S" cartridge
Nova Phonomena Phonostage
Magnum Integrated Amplifier

Qualities I am looking for:

- $1000-$3000 (used is OK)

- Looking for something that plays all kinds of music well - Rock, Jazz, Pop, Classical, Blues, etc.

- Good soundstaging and body

- Neutral (my space has concrete floors...so nothing too bright)

- Dynamic with some slam - I listen to all kinds of music, but mostly Rock.

- Smooth

Thanks in advance!
the signets were extremely neutral/balanced, so many of the newer designs are gonna splash a bit in the highs or pump the midrange forward to create midrange detail.....this creates impressive short term listening, but for the longterm you need to stick with balance...anything you can audition is a plus, but i'd recommend totem forests which will improve on the signets, but strike the balance that many can live with....made in canada....close in horseshoes counts.