Speaker upgrade - please advise.

Hi, I'm looking to upgrade pretty soon - most likely speakers, and I'm looking for any ideas you guys may have on the right choice. I'm looking to spend up to $6,000 used. My current system is listed on in the 'virtual systems' on Audiogon, but here goes:
Bryston 4bst power amp
Sonic Frontiers Line 3 Preamp (with tube upgrades)
B&W Nautilus 805 speakers
MSB Link DAC III & Monolithic Power supply & Upsampling
Muse Model 5 Transport
Kimber KCAG, Cardas Golden Cross analog interconnects.
Nordost Silver Shadow digital interconnect.
Stealth Triple Ribbon & PC Premier speaker cable
PS Audio 300 Powerplant
3 Shunyata Sidewinder Power Cords.

I'm thinking of moving to tube amplification at some later date (BAT or Sonic Frontiers), so will need speakers to match that set up. The speakers I'm really considering are Dynaudio Confidence 5. I'll also consider B&W Nautilus 802, but suspect there's better out there at the price. Anyway, any advice is much appreciated (also, if you see other potential upgrades in other components, let me know). Thanks!
John (Outlier)
Outlier- Did you get the subwoofer knowing that you were moving up to the Virgos? I would think that they have plenty of bass, especially in a room 18 x 15. Let us know your progress.
you may regret it. These are some of the finest 2-way speakers you can buy at any price. Stunning. All music forms sound excellent on the Arcus which responds well to a solid 50wpc and above, SS or tube. I auditioned many of the speakers listed here before buying the Arcus and haven't looked back. They, like other Avalons, have had excellent reviews. Suggest you check the AvalonAcoustics.com website for more information. Good hunting!
Djlackey - you were right. I don't need the sub with the new Audio Physic's. They more than perform in that area. Hence I'll be selling the sub soon. Also I upgraded one interconnect to SPM refernece, and got a YBA CD1a. Both upgrades were amazing. I'm so happy with the system now. Just some more cable upgrades and I'm set....... for a while :-)
Personally for 6k I would sell my amps and find a pair of used ATC 5o or 100 actives...