speakers for classical music

Would like to hear from classical music listeners as to best floorstanders for that genre. B&W 803's sound good but want to get input with regard to other possibilities.
Shadorne, that JBL paper where they compared the thermal compression of different woofers and the Alnico magnet TAD compressed by about 7 dB within a few seconds is grossly misleading. I hate to say this about the JBL guys, but they deliberately chose test conditions that made their competition look very very bad.

Alnico has less loss of magnetic flux with heating than ceramic does, up until the point that you overheat it. Then, Alnico loses flux permanently; it becomes partially de-magnetized, whereas a ceramic magnet will regain its flux once it cools off.

What JBL did was to overheat the Alnico magnet. They damaged it, and I doubt that was accidental. That test is not an accurate depiction of how an Alnico magnet performs when it is not abused.


Thanks - I figured that might be the case - the dirty rotten cheats ;-) (all is fair in marketing!)

It was however hard to find links to solid examples that show that compression really is a big issue. Perhaps I chose the wrong example.

It would be great if there were more examples about this poorly understood issue but I don't think speaker manufacturers like to raise these issues too often. I understand that if you sell several drivers - some pro and some lower cost then it might be at cross purposes to emphasize how your lower cost drivers might be compressing quite severely. (You just killed sales on your most popular mass produced item in order to try to sell a very few high priced items!!!)
Thought I'd get back to everyone on progress. By the way - a lot of great comments, very enlightening and really opened up some options and considerations. Had not thought of actives but now that is a real option. As to recent demo's and what I have found - of course, a matter of my tastes only - I am sure all of the products I have demo'd are very good (still a lot to go) - B&W 803s and 804s - both nice - 803s a little "fuller" and a sounded better at low spl's than the 804s - but not perfect. 803d and 802d - did not like - 'screechy' at high spl's and sounded strained all driven with Mac 402. Of note, the 802d triggered the power guard on mac 402 at high spl on Fischer's Mahler 2 on Channel Classics - not significant just found it interesting. Montior audio 60 - nothing wrong with this one - just did not do anything for me. Dali 400 mk 2 - nice sounding - about on par with the 803s a very nice sounding speaker. PSB synchrony 1 - actually very nice - was surprised - just did not expect much - but it held up nicely at fairly high spl's - 102 on Mahler and on Von Karajan DG utopia (1962). Tended to not break up or get too bright at high spl's. Meridian 5200 dsp - too bright for me at high spl - pretty much the same with all of the Focals. Genelec active 8040 - nice, clean, held up very well at high spl's - intend to travel to hear higher models. Dynaudio BM5's? also nice - fit right in between the genelec and a mackie 824. So progress. Any further comments are welcome - this may give you an idea of my tastes etc. Also surprised that more folks aren't mac fans - again, any reaonably informative comments are welcome.
not all "classical" music is orchestral. among those musical selections which are written for orchestra, some do have huge swings in spl.

thus, it is possible to listen to many musical selections and achieve realism of timbre, at listening levels which never exceed 85 db.

those reading these posts realize that many panel speakers do a decent job of reproducing classical music, at levels not exceeding 85 db.

as i was listening to a cd yesterday, i was using a radio shack meter to asess the range of spl. as i was listening, my wife asked me to turn down the volume. at the time my radio shack meter registered 80 db.

what's the point ? 85 db is subjectively loud in my opinion. exceeding 85 db is unnecessary in most cases, as far as i am concerned. i usually set my volume at about 70 db. loud passages are in the high 80s.

next time i attend a symphony orchestra concert, i will bring an spl meter to determine loudness. since i sit in the last row of the prchestra, i bet most of the time, the meter reading is less than 90 db. listening louder than that is too loud for me.
Loudness is certainly subjective. 80 dB is loud, but not LOUD. If I were trying to have a conversation, 75 dB is too loud. For rock 80 dB is mezzo-piano. It's all relative.

I have thought about taking an SPL meter to the symphony many times, never remember to do it. I suspect Mr.T is correct that the level won't exceed 90 in the back row, perhaps peaks will register in the mid 90s mid orchestra and only the front few rows will get anything approaching 100.

I put on the Sheffield Drum & Track CD yesterday. Cranked it until a few peaks were just tipping an amp into clipping. Peaks still didn't exceed 100 dB at listening position and it was good'n loud— almost as loud as a drummer sitting in front of me.