Speakers that disappear

Here is a description of a speaker found in TAS, the recommended components issue:
"... simply don't sound like other speakers. The Xes are tonally neutral and nearly sonically invisible; voices and instruments don't seem to be coming from drivers in frames or boxes. Instead they hang in space, free-standing objects that are so three-dimensionally "there" that listening to *them* is like going to a play, where listening to other speakers is like going to the movies."
What affordable(under $15k) speakers fit this description?
Wasn't that a Magnepan review?


Vandersteens (all are under $15k I think)


Magnepan's (MMG's, 1.6qr's, 3.6R, 20.1's)
The reveiw is for the $200,000 mbl extreme speakers, they only weigh a ton or there abouts! So per pound it's not that bad!
But they need $300,000 worth of amplification, a mere drop in the bucket if you work on Wall St. and get resuscitated by the tax payers.
Castle Acoustics models with the top firing driver.

Yes indeed they do a good disappearing act. They were good. I heard they also went out of business - so disappeared that way too.
My Advents disappeared while I was at work. This was many years ago but when I came home they were gone, along with the Marantz receiver.

But for a more serious answer, I would begin with room treatments and placement, as suggested by others. I do not believe any speaker can "disappear" without some considerations to set up. And yes I've heard Merlins, Maggies, Mirage, etc.