Speakers that sound like Thiels on steroids.

I am carefully searching for replacements for my beloved Thiel CS2.3's. Only 2 problems I have with these speakers currently are that they begin to compress when peak spls rise above 108db and I would prefer about another 10hz in bass extension. My goals are transparency (can never have enough), speed (rim shots to blink for), (visceral) dynamics, focus and bass extension down to at least 27hz, coherency, top-end extension and air, and the ability to play to 110-115db without compression. Priorities are listed in order so I'll compromise on the spl first. Budget is up to 20k new or used. Best candidates I've heard so far are Wilson Watt Puppy's 7 for about 22k new. The WP's have the bass extension and the ability to play loudly with clarity but I prefer my Thiels' midrange, soundstage and focus. Overall the WP's are fine but they sound like a rich man's Thiel and for 22k I expected them to kick dirt all over my speakers (they don't). Other candidates I have not heard and am interested in are Thiel CS3.6 (or their replacements, whenever they come out) and Piega C10/C8 ltd. Speakers I have auditioned and am not interested in are B&W Sig 800's or anything else made by B&W, JMLabs Utopias and Mezzo Utopias, Revel Salons and Studios, Maggies, Proacs, Martin Logans, Thiel CS6 and CS7.2.

All suggestions are appreciated.
I have 3.6's with MIT Oracle V3 speaker cable and they are outstanding together - these cables take everything the Thiels do well and kick em up a notch - a big notch. More bass, smooth silky highs and the biggest difference - a more fleshed out midrange.
I think you would be very happy with Wilson Benesch Chimeras or perhaps a used pair if Wilson Benesch Bishops. To my ears they are superior to any of the Thiels that I have heard.
Obviously people don't read so well...because speakers that "jazzdude" mentioned which HE WAS NOT INTERSTED IN INCLUDED REVELS(SALONS/STUDIOS)!!!!. So why are people recommending he consider those???!
"jazzdude", I think with those SPL's you're after, you might consider renaming your self "rocknrolldude!!!!"(HA!)
Seriosly though, I think what you're asking however is totally reasonable, and should be had at a much more reasonable price than a $20k price point! I too like my speaker systems to do what you're asking, and then some! I have found few high end designs that can achieve this level of dynamics, output, authority, slam, and yet still be, well, "perfect everywhere else"!..and who wouldn't...it's the audiophile dream speaker I guess. Best I've ever found, IMO is Avantgard horns, ATC actives, and Avlar actives. The horns starting at $11k new, but off axis listenability isn't there if you need it with those. Everything else is $30k and above. Those are all powered speakers mostly. Best I know of for passive designs is Wilson WATTPUPPIES over all. And, you're right, they're not "lightyears away from the Thiels" for all that money however. Still, if you cross the "WATT PUPPIES" over with some sort of bass management system, and do "active woofers", you'll be doing as good as you could with passive designs IMO.(but nothings perfect)
I assume you're listening to rock, techno, pop, R&B, or some other higher dynamic material when you're listening that loud mostly, yes? Or am I wrong? Are we talking movie chores here as well?(are you using a pre/pro for movies?..you should be!).
Before you dump your Thiels, you might consider crossing your Thiels over with a digital pre/pro at 80hz or thereabouts, and letting a dedicated powered sub(s) take the dynamic strain off your mains for the heavier dynamic stuff! The dynamic potential here is much greater! Yes, you might find running full range from your 2 channel high end preamp(if you're using one) more, well, high end and transparant sounding...BUT YOU CAN DO IT THIS WAY ONLY WHEN LISTENING TO LESS THAN TRANSPARENT AND REFINED SOURCES IF YOU LIKE!(MOVIES,TECHNO, MOST ROCK,ETC). Another considerationn for your 2 channel needs(I think 2 ch)
I think, with the exception of the likes of Avantgard horns(have you considered those?..although you must sit infront of them to enjoy the sound) and ATC actives or similar, you might have to consider some of the "powered" towers out there. INfinity Prelude MTS's and NHT VT3's have 500-800 watt built in powerd amp/driver combo's, which raise the dynamics stakes quite a bit! NOt only do these speakers have more hi-end clarity, transparancy, and detail, but they have more dynamic ablitity than what you'll find in the Thiel line.(although you may or may not find them as refined as you're taste in Thiels, I don't know...but they do have that "uncolored sound" like the thiels.) System matching and room considerations( I assume you have a larger room?...) are always to be considered. And you can't get a proper judge by going to another location to hear stuff...so you might check em out. Sounds like, however, you may be "choosy" about your preferences. And everyone's different.
I once took a pair of Thiel 2.3's(which I owned) and modified them to accept a "biamp" set up. The result was not good overall. While I did indeed achieve higher dynamic ability from the speaker(the original goal), the balance was not good from the internal crossover, and sounded thin and bright!(I guess you need to be a "speaker guru" to do better than the manufacture) I really don't see a need to spend that kind of money on speakers myself, and feel manufatures should could be making "Thiel-clarity" speakers with more "guts" and "slam" for less! I for one think all high end speaker makers should be making at least one "active" or "powered woofer" designed speaker in their line! The world might just be a better place in the end, if you ask me...
The wilsons have a bit of a sensitivity advantage, and I think thus sound more dynamic and authoritative on their own than most passive speakers, and certainly better than the Thiels(at least you need a MUCH BIGGER AMP TO MAKE THE THIELS JUMP!)(also, what amp are you using???) The wilson all run close to the mid 90's(93-96?) in db sensitivity at 1 watt. And they tend to all have dual ported bass woofers usually, which reinforces the dynamics at those frequencies.
If manufacturers like Thiel and Wilson ever start making "ACTIVE SPEAKERS", the stakes would rise TREMENDOUSLY in the dyanamics/slamm department! The would sound more like Avantgard horns, ATC active speakers, and the likes in authority, speed, and dynamic attack and wieght!..more closely approaching "dynamic transparancy"(not an easy trick for a hi-end speaker).
I do feel most all high end speakers(usually passive designs) tend to fall the shortest in terms of "total transparancy" in the dynamics department! Actives, horn speakers, and other higher efficiency designs tend to have more dynamic abitity by far, in my experience. INfact, most pro audio offerings(more efficient/sensitive???) sound more dynamic than most home audiophile rigs...but they also don't sound as refined.(this is why I think J.Gordon Holt from Stereophile called the ATC active speakers the best speaker system he's heard I think!). If we could get more high end speaker makers to do the "active thing", the sound would potentially jump way up in terms of realism!!!...IMO, of course. MOst I've talked with say it's too difficult, and costly to do "active" speakers. And they think most audiphiles want to "play around" with different amps and such anway. And there you are.
I personally don't see any reason that Hi-end speaker designers can't produce a speaker enclosure and driver compliment, and sell an acompanying external crossover and amp combo to match it!!!..or, to simplify things for them, AT LEAST MAKE THEIR SPEAKER'S WOOFER'S ACTIVE!!!...Like Def Tech, Infinity, and a huge percentage of other speaker makers have!
Yeah, I know, the Meridian and Linn speaker lines have active offerings. But I've NEVER BEEN IMPRESSED by the "refinement" and overall refinement from what those companies have produced! I would much rather just cross my Thiels over at 80hz from a pre/pro, and let an active powed sub do by dirty work than own those personally! For lighter dubty music material, I would just run em full range.
Anyway, you might consider some of the above suggestions.
Otherwise, if you found a pair of used W.Puppies out their someone was "unloading", you could do the "cross-over" thing with em, and do powered subs for bottom end. Overall, with good acoustics in your room, you should get excellent results that way. But try it with the Thiels first.
good luck
foreverhifi2000 mentioned active ATCs. They are awesome and should be seriously considered.