Speakers that sound like Thiels on steroids.

I am carefully searching for replacements for my beloved Thiel CS2.3's. Only 2 problems I have with these speakers currently are that they begin to compress when peak spls rise above 108db and I would prefer about another 10hz in bass extension. My goals are transparency (can never have enough), speed (rim shots to blink for), (visceral) dynamics, focus and bass extension down to at least 27hz, coherency, top-end extension and air, and the ability to play to 110-115db without compression. Priorities are listed in order so I'll compromise on the spl first. Budget is up to 20k new or used. Best candidates I've heard so far are Wilson Watt Puppy's 7 for about 22k new. The WP's have the bass extension and the ability to play loudly with clarity but I prefer my Thiels' midrange, soundstage and focus. Overall the WP's are fine but they sound like a rich man's Thiel and for 22k I expected them to kick dirt all over my speakers (they don't). Other candidates I have not heard and am interested in are Thiel CS3.6 (or their replacements, whenever they come out) and Piega C10/C8 ltd. Speakers I have auditioned and am not interested in are B&W Sig 800's or anything else made by B&W, JMLabs Utopias and Mezzo Utopias, Revel Salons and Studios, Maggies, Proacs, Martin Logans, Thiel CS6 and CS7.2.

All suggestions are appreciated.
foreverhifi2000 mentioned active ATCs. They are awesome and should be seriously considered.
Forever is right. It would be great if some of us (me)would at least read someones post closely. Forget the Revels and go with newer model Thiels. Try different cable.
I still love the Thiels.
I must be illiterate as well! If you don't mind the risk of dealing with a defunct company, the big Dunlavy's might work.