Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.
Ronniec15, I too had a pair and really think they were great, but, of course, Appogee moved on. I sold mine to a guy in Houston and lost contact with him. They were among my many different speakers as I switched between horns, ribbons, dynamic drivers, etc.

My last several speakers have been dynamic drivers with special tweeters. I suspect that with my BMC Arcadia speakers, I will stick with them for a long time.
I discovered Chartwell LS3/5A 15 ohm speakers from Steve and Ray of Pro Musica in Urbana Il. along with the phono unit tube preamp and tube power amp the system remained the same until I purchased a pair of Spendor SP-1s last year. Adds a new phrase to my listening. willmagic606
Like most of you I have had several speaker changes over the years. The first decent pair of speakers I bought were Technic SB-7000's They were big squaty cabinets and I had them for about 10yrs. I replaced them about 12yrs ago with my Dunlavy SC-II's and have enjoyed them every time they are used. The only reason that I would replace these is if I had an opportunity to pick up a pair of SC-IV at a good price.
I bought a pair of Apogee Stages on January 4, 1991 for $2000.
Since then I've owned a pair of Dynaudio Contours and a pair of B&Ws 805 w/ a Supercube. The Dynos and B&Ws are gone now - but the Apogee Stages remain and still deliver a thrill every time I sit down and listen.
Since the Mid 80's I've had the maggie ID's RTR esr 15 electrostatics and a janis W2 sub. I recently had to re-voice coil the ID's and I line sourced the rtr's so I tweek my stuff but see no need to upgrade since I believe the sound I have now is the BEST music sound "to me". If you find better/more accurate etc. speakers "to you" consider them only if you really think they are better and not just different sounding, there is a real distinction there.