Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.
have subwoofers come that far that you can really integrate them and not 'hear' them? I've never heard a sub that integrates fully, but I haven't listened to a system with them in years. Do you use two? I would assume that's the only way to do it as it can be directional no matter what some folks say. I really am interested in everyones thoughts on this. Bass is the biggest thing that separates a 5k speaker from a 15+k one imho. thanks.
The most impressive speakers that remain unforgettable and, therefore, if I had them I would hang on to for life are (no particular order):
Sonus Faber Electa Amator
Sonus Faber Ellipsa
Artemis Eos Signature with Bass Modules
ProAc Response 3.8
ProAc Supertower
Joseph Audio RM33
Joseph Audio Pearl
Quad ESL 988
Vandersteen 4
Gallo Reference 3.5
Dynaudio Special 25
These were the best in their particular areas, that I've ever heard.

The one I boughtÂ….Dali Euphonia MS 4. Narrow baffle, svelte, nice casework, good bass, fantastic top end, great midrange, nice imaging. Fits in a medium room well. High WAF factor.
Very interesting list. We have a similar ear I think.

Sonus Faber Electa Amator- Agree
Sonus Faber Ellipsa-Agree
Artemis Eos Signature with Bass Modules-One of my fav's along with Sonus Extrema's
ProAc Response 3.8- Loved listening to them at my friend's store
ProAc Supertower- I have owned for years and am finally letting them go if anyone wants them, lol
Joseph Audio RM33
Joseph Audio Pearl
Quad ESL 988- Loved these both times I heard em
Vandersteen 4- Love the new ones BEST ;) (getting Treo's)
Gallo Reference 3.5
Dynaudio Special 25
My Dear friend : There is no such a thing as perfect speakers or perfect amp or pre amp or cd player. They all have positive and negative points. I have 4 different sets of speakers and the all sound great but not perfect. It is the art of matching with the res of your system .
was that post for mine? I don't see where I said perfect. In fact, my point was that I have really enjoyed many of those speakers. I have a few sets right now also and have loved them for different reasons. I'm now going to sell off everything as I'm starting over. I agree with you in that there is no perfect anything.