Speakers with high WAF?

Friends, I have moved all my gear out of our family room and resituated it in my photostudio - all with my wife's unstated blessing. She hated the looks of those Newform Research 645's - mid/bass drivers in a rectangular black box, with a ribbon pole shooting out of the top to about 6'. But they sound so nice...So I am looking for a pair of replacements that may be a bit less "form following function." Showed her a pair of Adagios in the beautiful burl walnut - "but they don't look like furniture...." Thinking that a pair of Klipschorns tucked in the corners of our large family would be a bit more innocuous, she asked "Isn't there something that could be hung on the wall/" Guess that nixes the Klips. So I'd appreciate any of you guys who were ultimately able to satisfy your sonic needs and your wife's esthetic sensibilities. And ladies, your imput would be particularly appreciated.
Chrisla, now you are scaring me. I can not get out of my mind the image of a pair of Klipschorns in white whicker. Bad brain. Bad brain...
JM Lab Be 900 Series Speakers might work. Slim cabinets with furniture grade finishes. I just upgraded from older Thiels to JM Lab 927Bes and my girlfriend liked the fact that they have a smaller footprint and nicer finish.
I second the vienna's. I haven't owned them, but have heard them and they're quite good. Plus they look like furniture and have several models have a small and unobtrusive footprint.
I'll second rockadanny's strong recommendation on the Salk's

I have a pair of HT3's that are just stunning
musically and sonically

as much as JIm put's into his woodwork, his drivers, crossovers, etc are every bit and then some
My wife loves my Verity Audio Parisifal Ovations....however, the finish is the pricy Big Leaf Quilted Maple.
