Speakes for SET amp

Just sold my Tannoy speakers and hunting for quality speakers to be matched with my mono block SET amp (211 based). I prefer floor standers with good bass impact, preferably having powered woofers built into it. New OR used up to 8K price range.
"I'm looking for something similar. Verity is at the top of my list"

I have heard Verity with Atmosphere amplication and they sounded absolutely awesome. The Parsifal Ovations are one of my favorite speakers.
Check with member, Tvad, on the Audio Note speakers. He just recently got a pair, I think. I don't know what amps he's using with them. He has plenty of experience to give you some perspective. I'm not sure how his taste in music crosses over with your own. Atmasphere OTL would be another great direction to go as far as amplification, IMO, and may offer more versatility than many SET options. Ralph's amps are outstanding. But it sounds like you are happy with your 211 monos (which I can understand having spent about six years with SET amps). I would make your upgrades with the utmost care at how your specific amps (or the ones you will buy) pair up with the speakers you buy. That link is critical.
You are absolutely right. I love my SET amps. They are NAT Audio SE2se using two 211 in parallel.
I have researched every possible audio site, read reviews and there are very few SET friendly spks available which fits my budget. The AN speakers are on top of my list and I might try the kit route. Fun assembling them.
When I first entered an Audio Note room, I scoffed at the plain box speakers set up at radical angles in the corner of the room. When I heard their price, I smirked and walked out of the room. How could a manufacturer be so arrogant to believe they could sell this stuff at those prices?

Two years and two systems later, I attended another show. Walked into the Audio Note room with another buddy. This time, with more experence under my belt, I ignored what the speakers looked like and I stayed to listen. Pretty nice. Especially considering where I'd been in my system. Still, I was seeking something with more cache.

Another year and anther system later, I again walked into the Audio Note room at RMAF 2009. I had no intention of auditioning the AN speakers on this trip. I had a short list of ten speakers to hear. Yet, I walked in anyway after hearing nine out of the ten speakers on my must-hear list. Well, I was enamored. This was what I was seeking. Music without analysis. Jump factor with the resolution of high end. My toes were tapping, and my ears weren't burning.

I left the room and came back four times.

Then, I wrote the check.

My suggestion for those intrigued by Audio Note speakers is to listen to them with a blindfold or an open mind, so you're not influenced by their appearance or the seemingly awkward positioning they require.

Having said that, Nakolawala has mentioned his desire for a speaker with a powered subwoofer, which suggests to me that the AN speakers may not fulfill his desires. They will not shake the windows or jiggle one's innards (qualities that I have enjoyed in the past), although they will present bass in proper balance with the rest of the spectrum.

Several AN amplifiers are 8 watt parallel SET, so this is clearly adequate provided an amp's output impedance is properly matched to the AN speakers.

I am using Wright AU-15 push-pull 2A3 amps (15 watts). So, my experience does not correspond with SET.
Tvad I've had a similar experience. I too find the audio note speakers special in their own way. What do you use for a preamp?