Spectron amplifier - new black faceplate?


Spectron Audio web site states that they have new black faceplates and I wonder if someone has Spectron amp with this look? I am considering to get their monoblocks.

It seems (from their web site) that they are on the rise - hiring new people, getting new reviews, even new Remote Sense cables... interesting

Thank you Bill. I love stereomojo review, specifically:

"Recently, a friend of mine bought a new car – a Bentley Continental GT.....engine was silent and silky smooth and provided the sensation of taking off in 747... That is how I would describe listening to the Spectrons; quiet and luxurious with no sense of effort at any volume level... More than most other amps, the Spectrons allow you to feel the music (not the sound) as well as hear it... Like the Bentley, you don’t think to yourself, “Wow! This is powerful!”, you are not conscious of the power at all. You are conscious of the music in all its pristine glory without much of a perception of electronics at all; the music just is...Like the Bentley, the Spectrons excel at speed..."

Now, I know for sure that to request from John Ulrick as a Christmas bonus!!!!!! John owns Ferrari - (see his photo in this plane on out web site), me wants 2 !

Good Night!
A Spectron to a Bentley, LOL, I beg to differ. I own this amp and & in my opinion it is like comparing apples and oranges. Just my two cents.
You don't like reviewer comparison Spectron performance to that of Bentley? OK, to the best of my knowledge - next week or so will be another review published. Spectron amp is compared there with the best TUBE amplifiers around. I been told that one or more reviews are in pipeline.

Hello Koiman,

We have three reviewers who have our amplifiers for their examination. One review is ready and will be published very soon in Positive Feedback, second one - I just this morning read proofread and 3d one I don;t know yet.

By tradition or is it by law - we cannot disclose the name of reviewer(s) and quote the review in question publicly.

I can say only that I , personally like what I read.... Also, we do not solicit reviews (at least last couple of years) and all reviews come from the reviewers who requested samples for the review or wrote based on their own Spectron amplifier(s)

As much as I love (good) reviews nothing can substitute personal experience and we are discussing to introduce a "demo" amp which we can send to [serious] audiophiles.

Thank you.

Simon Thacher
Senior Engineer
Spectron Audio