Spendor s8e or Devoe Super 8

I am going to upgrade from a pair of spendor S5e's to either the S8e's or Devore Super 8's. Any recommendations?

The rest of my system is a custom built integrated by Dodd Audio. It is 60/30 ulralinear/triode. Cd is CJ Editon
McCormack UPD 1. Interconnects are Cimera Labs and speaker
cables are soon to be Chimera Labs. Thanks!
My guess is you'll be happiest with whichever speaker has the flattest impedance curve, and the highest sensitivity...to take advantage of the 30wpc triode setting.

I have read great things about the Audiokinesis Jazz Modules loudspeakers from several people who know audio very well. The speakers are available with a home audition. You might check them out before buying anything.
Devores. I own the Devore Gibbon 8s and 3s. I have previously owned Spendors, S5e, S3/5. and S35e. Devores sound much better to me. Much more lively and detailed. They will probably work better with tubes.