Spendor SP 1/5 Monitors

Howdy, does anyone know anything about the Spendor SP 1/5 monitors? Any info or knowledge? Thanks in advance.
Well, other than that what real evidence do you have ; - )

Biwiring is relatively recent offering in Spendor's world. That's one clue.
Send an email to Nick Gowan at Truesound; he is a Spendor authority and retailer.

Thanks guys, I'll contact Nick at Truesound and report back here with any info I get from him or the Spendor peeps. Cool and lively sounding small speakers. My first Spendors, joy!

I have owned the Spendor 1/5. Bought a pair used from a Spendor dealer in 1998 or 1999. It was listed as a part of the Classic range but not wildly successful, discontinued maybe 7 or 8 yrs. ago. This was a relatively small speaker between the LS 3/5a and the Sp 3/1 (have owned both those as well). Someone (unofficially) told me this was a low production model designed mainly for the US & German markets, basically intended to be a larger LS 3/5a with a little more bass. It is a nice sounding small monitor, non-ported as I recall, if perhaps lacking a little of the LS 3/5a's magic. I've seen them relatively cheap here in the US, and wouldn't mind picking up another pair myself.

Hi Tlh28,

I listened to them all day yesterday, changing out my Epos M12's for the testing run. They sounded strong with the modest 50watt power amp I had 'em hooked up to. I was initially a bit concerned regarding what I have heard about the lower-than-usual efficiency of older Spendors, but these seem to light up just fine. Not quite the unbridled, energetic high-highs of the Epos, but that seems like it may be ideal for the vinyl system-in-the-making I got them for. I appreciate the info, Tlh28, and you're right, they are non-ported.