Squeezebox hard to see?

Anybody have this problem? I'm considering a Touch, but I'm concerned that it will be hard to see the display from my listening chair. The room I'll be using it in is fairly long, maybe 18' - 20'. Has this been an issue for anyone with the Touch or SB3? Also, anybody have comments on the Touch vs. the Duo?
BTW, I run my MW Transporter with the display turned off since it's useless from my listening position.
Get the Touch over the Duet. I've installed a bunch of Squeezebox's and the Duet seems to be the most glitchy as Cruz123 already mentioned. Then use a iTouch from Apple and voila. a music server with the controller in your hand.
Quite an amazing thing and I'm not sure how on earth they make them so inexpensively.
Thanks for the replies. I'm going with the Touch since I have a Palm Pre Plus smartphone and an iPod Touch. Surprisingly, it seems like the Touch goes for more than the Duet on eBay even though its MSRP is lower!