SS integrated for Proac 2.5 - Plinius or Unico?

I am runnng Proac 2.5's with ARC tube amplification (LS-7, VT-50). They sound great, with accurate tonal balance, extended lows and wide soundtaging. I am thinking of switching to a SS integrated amp to avoid the heat and hassle of maintaining tube amps. Is there a SS integrated amp that has a presentation similar to what I am getting with the ARC combo? Oh, and I also want a phono stage. Considerations are Plinius 8200 or 9200 or Unico. I've heard the MF A300, and it has nice tonal balance, but is not as transparent as the ARC. Suggestions?
I have owned the Plinius 8200 MKII and the MF A300 and prefer the Plinius which has a fuller and more musical sound where I felt the MF had light bass. I would not say the Plinius was substantionally more detailed though. You may want a Rowland Concentra II or the new one they are coming out with (I forget the name) which is supposed to be quite a step up.
Thanks for the comments. Haven't considered Primare, though HiFi Choice gave them a nice review, but do they have a phono stage?
I use the Plinius 9200 to drive my ProAc Response 2.5s. It's a great amplifier. I couldn't recommended it more highly.

It's one of the gems available today. Audition it for yourself!
I've had the JRDG Concentra II with the ProAc Response D15 and agree with the above poster excellent choice with ProAc's.

With the new integrated (Concerto) recently released you might be able to get a good deal for Concentra II.