Static electricty - Can it damage audio gear

I have run into a problem with static electricity and my AVP2 processor. It took a while to figure out but if I rub my foot on the carpet several times and touch the processor it will suddenly change into another mode or freeze into a setup mode. There is no shock or spark but the unit still freezes. Can this cause permanent damage to any of the circuitry ?

This is the 1 st time in 6 years that it has happened. Can a faulty component in the processor cause this problem ? Any suggestions

Thanks , Dave
You might also consider getting one of these. They use these when building computers and other electronics to insure no static.
with regards to treating carpet with anti-static stuff, would i need to treat all of the carpet in the room or just the area where i stand when adjusting my stereo? also, is there a good ratio of treatment:water to use when making the solution?

i did a little more digging and was able to answer my own questions. this thread over at audio asylum had some good info.