Static on Vinyl

Here is my greif...............

I am getting some major static electricity every time
I remove an LP from my Turntable platter.

Here is my setup:

The platter is a Teres coccabolo (hardwood)
& I get the static with or without using my Herbies way excellent turntable mat.

I installed a grounding conductor screwed to the brass
platter spindle & grounded it to the tubed preamp & no

I also use a Mapleshade Ionoclast static buster on the vinyl just before dropping the stylus, & still the bloody
static is their when I pull the vinyl from the platter
after the LP has gone thru the grooves.

any thoughts? ? ? ? ?
I had zero luck with my Mapleshade Ionoclast. A Zerostat works much better for me.

Contributing to the problem is that a cocobolo platter (both yours and mine) makes a poor conductor. Static buildup from stylus/groove friction has no easy evacuation path, so it stays on the record. I don't have huge problems with it (adequate humidity) but if I did I might try installing a grounded wire with a few carbon fibers that ride against the record surface. Providing a conductive path from vinyl to ground might help - or not - I haven't actually tried it.
You would be amazed what a Humidifier will do for your analog set up. I have a dedicated room that is also climate controlled and if a room is to dry this will lead to what you are decribed. Does not have to run all the time.
Dont be so sure a Humidifier will work, I use one right next to my deck and it wont cure platter static, I got my dad a Zerostat for a birthday gift but couldnt afford my own, so next I am going to try my own gun. To be honest my Humidifier isnt a very expensive unit...$65.00 but being on fixed income I do what I can so another unit may help more than mine does. I only really have trouble with pulling off the platter so Stat gun should be perfect for my needs.
I have two room humidifiers (and one on the furnace) and have tried everything under the sun to reduce or eliminate my static problems. At the moment they're not troublesome, but in dry summer and winter periods the only thing that will really work is a dust bug type device wrapped with anti-static copper tinsel (sold only in 72-foot minimum lengths unfortunately). If you find the dust bug and want to try this, I'll be happy to send you some. I also have a length of the same stuff connected from a screw on my linestage to the center screw on a wall outlet. Oh, and you might try wearing leather-soled shoes when approaching the turntable. I know, sounds weird. Good luck, Dave (BTW, I found the Zerostat/Ionoclast devices next to worthless if the static problem is severe.)
Has anybody tried fabric softener sheets? They are great at removing static.