Store auditioning and then buying on-line from others. How do you feel about it ?

Doesn't look too pretty, but who cares, right ?
Cleeds, not angry at all, just don’t see the utility in dealers. That said, they have every right to run their businesses as they see fit and should not be used for showrooming as it is stealing their time and resources, IMHO.
Store auditioning and then buying on-line from others. How do you feel about it ?

Unethical, shortsighted, and harmful in the long term.

chazro beat me to it!

There is a local high end around here that happens to sell used LP's. 
So after listening to stuff I'll "probably" never be able to afford, I'll grab an LP or two.

Like chazro also, I think it's more for my conscience than their financial support.

If I ever win the lottery tho, that'll be the first place I visit! 
It’s theft. And not the cool kind of theft that comes from desperation and need of basic necessities like food, shelter and clothing. It’s the narcissistic type of theft that comes from a lack of a moral compass.
+1 viridian

OP said:
moral compass" is an outdated concept. It has never been particularly popular, besides, it can be interpreted very differently. .. "moral compass" is directly connected to some authority to which it could be connected.

Sorry, don't I don't buy that.  IMO, we all establish our own moral compass.  If you need an outside authority to establish one, then it's not a moral compass.  I don't need or want anyone to tell me what's moral or ethical. 
I have a "personal rule" that I will not buy used, what I listen to in a store, until it is a generation old, and they are not selling it anymore. 

I will buy used, at a price I can turn around and sell, just to hear the product. That is fun for me. This is easy except for speakers, but I am starting a collection of those.