Subwoofer damping

I didn't no whether to post this in the speaker or tech forum, but I'll ask my query.

I have a very large subwoofer which has 2 16 inch drivers. I fired this baby up today after having it in storage for many years. I played a reference recording of Frederick Fennell's Pomp & Pipes. Well I set the crossover pots at 10:00, 6 being the lowest and 5 highest. Everthing was ok till there was some low and I mean low frequency with plenty of dynamics. I could hear the drivers make a girgle sound that came out the 4 vents in the cabinet.

I can't recall if I've heard this before and I'm thinking that I need to add additional damping material. Doe's anybody supply speaker wool anymore? I can't imagine overdriving this thing....I think my house would adding more material seems might help. Any speaker tech's with answers would be appreciated.

You can get wool and other damping at Check the screws or bolts on sub make sure all is tight.
try this:

I use the acousta stuf with great results.
"I think my house would collapse"
Do pictures on your walls and other items in your room vibrate when you use the sub?
I have a treated room,but when I added a sub it shook the room.
Problem fixed when I got my sub up off my carpeted floor with large cones.