Suggest Table and cartridge for my system


I have never owned a quality table. I am lookingto add one to my system. Here is my current setup:

Proac Response 2
Rogue Tempest(has phono stage)
Audio Aero Prima MKII
Acoustic Zen Ref Matrix II interconnects and tsunami PC's
Top Gun line conditioner

I was thinking about possible a Aries Scout but not sure what cartridges to look at. I am open to ideas in $1000 range for the table and $3-500 for cartridge, used market is fine.

how about the Marantz TT-15? It's essentially a clearaudio table and includes a fantastic MM cartridge for $1600 brand new. If there is a local dealer near you, have them set everything up for you.

It's a little out of your stated budget, but it's a great deal even at retail!
My buddy actually has a clearaudio emaotion table. He is waiting on a new cartridge. Once he receives it I will see if I can bring it over and give it a listen in my system. Thanks for the suggestion.

Anyone else, I don't mind buying used if I get a substantially better player for the money. I may be upgrading my speakers in the next few months so I want this purchase to be able to grow with me.
Ok. I have narrowed my choices down to the VPI Scout or Michell Technodec. I will most likely go with a Sumiko Blackbird cart. Now since I am a complete analog newbie, I am not sure what type of phono pre I should be looking at. I would like something that will be plug and play with my Rogue Tempest and allow me the flexibility to try different cartridges down the line. I would also like to keep the preamp less than $700 and used from the Gon is fine. I am still trying to get a grasp on matching the gain and impedances of the pre to the cart(hoping this will make more sense once I have a pre and cart in hand with manuals). Also will my Tempest play a role in what preamp I should be choosing? Can I just plug the preamp into the phono jacks on the back of the Tempest or should I use the Aux jacks? Sorry for the stupid questions, just trying to figure this all out.
Kali77, have you asked Rogue? I'm sure they could give you a recommendation for a phono stage that they know works well with the Tempest and the tables your thinking of using.