Suggestions for a monitor speaker

I need a monitor speaker for a small room, low to medium loudness levels, with high quality associated components. (Magnum Dynalab 208, Proceed CDD transport,Musical Fidelity AC 24 upsampling DAC, Nordost interconnect/speaker cable)Cost really isn't a major concern.
I just started running a pair of Taylo Reference monitors & sub, absolutely fantastic.
im with garfish on this...ive got a pair of proac 1sc's on my MD-208 (im using synergistic sig 2 for wire), and it sounds very nice. I have debated going full tube integrated, but I love the convenience of the 208, and think it is reasonably lush for solid state. These proacs love the power, and will come close to sounding like electrostatics at times. For me, this has been a great little combination for the money and a smaller room.
Platinum Audio Solo's are stand mounted monitor speakers that can be enjoyed at very close to medium distances with moderate power amp section in your receiver. Real quality sound with a surprising bass capability, very important where physically separate sub-woofer not desired. Only problem, current bargain used price is too low so may not be taken seriously enough when comparing to other high end monitors.
Green Mountain Audio Europa's. Just listen to them next to the'll buy the Green Mountain. $900.00 or less gets em to ya. Contact Roy Johnson the companies designer, at