Sumptuous, lush, rich, liquid golden midrange amp?

I am looking to approximate the sound of the Jadis 88Sig in a tube amp less than $5K used, to mate with an Aesthetix Calypso, VPI TNT jnr, Wright WWP 200 phono preamp, Marantz SA 11 S1/APL Denon 3910 (tubed) and Tyler D10 speakers, 8 ohms, 91 db sensitivity. Neutrality, accuracy be damned - just lush wide soundstage, musical as it gets. Any??????I expect flames, but also some gems:)


I don't think so. Well, not entirely.

The EL 34s used in the thor monos are current production tubes. No Mullards, Brymars, etc. JJ’s? EH’s?

That's the thing on those particular amps. None of the other Thor mono amps sounded anything like those 30's, on purpose.

The chassis, t-former, caps & resistors, Biasing Using the 34s as Triodes instead of as Pentodes too likely helped ??

It's definitely more than just the tubes. Some of that 'magic' or 'voiceing' is in the line stage for sure, and in his bigger amps, but not nearly as much. it would also seem to me even those higher watt amps could provide more gold in the tones with older NOS EL 34s… though they’d not duplicate the PA 30s voice 100%.


The 20/20s are what, 94db & 4 ohms? Probably dropping down some too on the imp?

Could they push enough vol so a regular conversation could not be had when they were turned up, and they didn’t need to get near max vol either - Correct?

If so, I’m impressed.
Springbok10, at any rate, if you want sweet, start with a triode amp. They make less of the odd-ordered harmonics that tetrodes and pentodes do. We describe those harmonics as 'hard, harsh' bright', etc. (Of course tubes in general make less of these than transistors)

Somehow those terms seem the opposite of 'sweet' to me...
Ralph, The amps that I alternate between in the system alluded to, are a TAD 1000 (with EL 34s), which I operate in triode mode and a Dennis Had designed Cary/AES Six pac A/AB, push-pull (also EL 34s). I guess the question is, how much improvement would the suggestions that all have made, give me in the areas I am looking for, since the Cary does have a nice midrange and a Bel Canto SEi40 SET with 845 tubes was not better! I suppose to answer these questions, one would need to have listened to my amps. Nevertheless, my question remains, since I always get such great suggestions on this forum. Thanks for chiming in, Ralph. Your MA-2 is still, and always will be, my reference amp in the main system for "real" concerts, and the amp I am looking for is a diversion, a hopefully unreal, euphonic one!
I don't think so. Well, not entirely.
Blindjim - I'm not exactly sure what your point is, but if you're saying the TPA-30's sonic signature is not solely a result of its using the EL-34, then, sure that's obvious and I agree with you. Paul Marks made no secret of his aiming the TPA-30 at a 'SET-like' sound in a 30W amp (more than flea-weight power) and he was particularly proud of its 60W power supply. I'll bet we also agree that tubes have no sound outside a circuit implementation and that there is no need to cite the difference between NOS and contemporary tubes to make that point. When compared with, say, a 655O or KT88, the EL34 has its own characteristic sound, which, to my ears, tends toward the warm romantic, toward a certain "lit from within" quality. No reason I know of for the OP not to consider other EL34 based amps. Cheers.