
Particularly the album 'Paris' which ive always thought to be one of the greatest live albums of all time although some beg to differ. The song 'you started laughing' will forever stay with me as one of the greatest songs ever performed live in concert. Are there any Supertramp fans amongst us that might share their admiration for the band?
I recorded the simple striking piano chords of Crime into a ring tone and wonder if some will be able to identify it.
Hey all (again, good thread started by Donjr). I'm wondering if any of you have followed Roger Hodgson's solo work. I think I prefer his contributions to Supertramp vs those from Davies. Expect I will order "Eye of the Storm" and "Open the Door". If any of you have those, please let me know your opinion. Donjr, I hope you will not object to this minor hijack. Does seem in keeping with the spirit of your original post. Ciao.
I don't mind at all. The man whom so eloquently sang Hide in Your Shell deserves a plug. I haven't followed Roger so I hope some people chime in. I'm always looking for new music.
Well, I will let you you know, Don. Ordered a used "like new" CD (pricey!)of Open The Door from Amazon and a factory sealed vinyl version of Eye of the Storm off Ebay. Had listened to some samples and for me many had the same vibe that I liked when he was with Supertramp.
Donjr - if you like Supertramp, I think you will like both Open the Door and Eye of the Storm. I probably prefer EotS a little more than OtD but that is based on just 1 listen to each. Recordings (Lp and CD) both seem a little "hot" (emphasized treble) to my ear but not terribly so.