sweet, euphonic, reasonably powerful tube amp?

I'm thinking about moving away from my ARC VT100 mkiii to something more euphonic, forgiving, and sweet-sounding...tubey, really. (The VT100 goes somewhat in that direction when using the 4-ohm tap, but it's still somewhat "dry". On the 8-ohm tap, it's way too bright for me.) I have a VTL ST150 that's sort of in that direction when in triode mode, but it's just a bit bright for my tastes, as well. I want soft, easy highs. I'm using Harbeth speakers--I have both the Compact 7's and the M30's. They are somewhat inefficient, and require some power, probably no less than 70 watts or thereabouts, give or take. I listen mostly to classical music, in a relatively small room (14x19), and usually at low volume, but sometimes I like to step it up and play some rock or push the volume with some orchestral stuff. Other requirements: vanishingly low distortion, reliability, and ease of repair.

(Basically what's happening is that I've done the hyper-revealing, detail thing, and now I want to get down to just listening to the music, so that it's less about slam, holographic imaging, and cymbals in the room with me, and more about just listening to the music--not that I don't like a certain amount of those things!)

My budget, on the used market, could be anywhere between $3000 - 5000. On the pre-amp side, I have a GNSC-modified ARC SP8, a BAT VK31 w/ bugle boys, and I just bought a second hand Mac 2200, which I'm trying out because I want--Yes, believe it or not--a tone control!

(I really am whimping out, I guess!)

Well said Lissnr. I think you have the basic sound of EL34 versus 6550/KT88(a little different than 6550)correct as implemented in most amplifiers. I switch from EL34 to KT88 in my Music Reference RM9SE to get just the difference you describe based on the type of music I'm listening to.

I'm not sure what Mrtennis' experiences are with EL34s, but I'm suprised to hear him say "not kind to the ear"; they are kind to my ears, but we all hear differently and have different expecations.
This has been a terrifically helpful thread and I thank all the contributors.

Today I bought a 2nd hand CJ Premier 11, which I'm having sent to Bill Thalman to upgrade, etc. So I will experience what I guess would be a "mid-period" CJ sound, which should sound different from the VTL and the ARC. If it doesn't work for me, I'll try something else.

That having been said, let me ask the EL34 fans, what are some of your favorite EL34 amps that have the lush, warm and inviting sound to which you refer? (Maybe I should have bought one of those...and maybe that will be next...who can't help but be attracted to the notion of "audio as warm bath," after all?)
Funny that you asked about 75 vs. 75SE. I started out with BAT 150, I liked the sound but it sure wasn't head and shoulder above say ARC VT-100 II/III or SF Power 2 or 2SE which I have all heard in the same system for an extended period of time. Among them, ARC VT-100 III was probably my least favorite because it was sterile and analytical, it was like listening to hi-fi. MK II and SF 2SE are similar in the sense that they both offer sweetness without being tubey. If I had to choose between them, I will pick SF 2SE for ease of tube bias and look.

as soon as I plug in 75SE, all questions were answered. it has everything I want from an amp. top end is pristine, transparent, and extended. but unlike ARC III, it is not analytical or hi-fi sounding. speed is also the forte of 75SE, I haven't heard tube amp to sound so quick and fast before.

davidgarretson on Audiogon is a great guy who will share his experience on how to further improve the 75SE. I will be selling mine soon since I moved up to 150SE, still not sure if that's the best decision I made since 6C33 does generate a lot of heat.
You can guess my vote... my VTL MB-125's stayed in my system longer than any single component ever did for very good reason (about 7 years). The tetrode mode could kick butt all over the place and the triode mode ( mostly late night listening) was the unifying thread between a good cabernet, candle light, and all that romantic kind of stuff.... what it did for intimate vocals and the fireplace-on-a-cold-winter-night thing was incredible. The Premier 11 will be very very close to my changeover to the Premier 12's was...as per above; I suspect you'll like it more than your ARC based on what you've been saying and it may be a good step in the right direction without going too far right away. Good luck with it and keep us informed.