Symphonic Line RG 14 Edition Integrated Amp


Anyone has heard or own the above-mentioned Rg14 Edition Int Amp share his/her view on the amp?

not much info could be found on the net abt the amp.

thanks in advance!
I have (listened to it). It was driving a pair of small Acapella stand-mounted spkrs. The combination was sonically successful to the limit of these small speakers.
What can I tell you?
The amp sounds OK without pronounced highs and good driving capability (i.e. it doesn't seem to run out of steam; at least on small spkrs). The mid-range region sounded fine as far as I could tell (basically by comparing to other electronics). Its phono was unexpectedly good (mm + mc in the one I heard). There was a remote that controlled volume only (not that it's a pb for me).
Nice build quality. Put it on some cones that were lying around & I changed the sound quite perceptibly...
If I remeber correctly the difference between the RG14 and RG14 is the phono stage, the RG14 doen't have one I think. I would prefer the one without the phono stage since most TT lovers will buy a separate phono pre.

I have been on the lookout for a used RG9 or RG10, but they are rare.
I would prefer the one without the phono stage since most TT lovers will buy a separate phono pre.
Quite logically put -- but, exceptionally in this case, wrongly put! The phonos are surprisingly good, well worth their salt. Unusual, I admit.
Sorry to insist on this point -- but I was amazed when I listened to TTs (both MC & MM).
Sorry for highjacking this topic a bit.

There is a chanse I can buy a 2nd hand RG9 mk?? for a good price. The drawback is I cannot listen to it. My current amp is a modded Rotel RC980 pre and a Rotel RB1070. I know the Symphonic Line is a better amp but I am not looking for a completly different sound.
Would it be a goo buy?

My CD trasport is a CEC TL51x with a Wadia 12 DAC and I have Impulse Aria SE speakers. The speakers are not big but do requiere a bit of power. I had a Ayre AX-7 amp but while I liked it when easy going music at low sound levels, but when I turned the volume up the "magic" was gone.