Synergistic Research Acoustic ART- any comments?

I am looking for first hand experience regarding these new room treatments. BTW my system is cabled 100% with active Tesla cables- power cords, IC's and SC's. My system sounds effortless, extended, and holographic. If the ART system can expand on this that would be great.

Has anyone had experience with these new devices or with the Acoustic Resonators from Acoustic Sound?
Thanks for the feedback. When it was all said and done, would you recommend I try Acoustic ART in my system? I have read some extraordinary accounts from people who heard the demo at RMAF, and while I would like to "believe", it also seems too good to be true.

OTOH, cables seemed to good to be true (to me) just a few short years ago and now I have Tesla active cables (with blue LED's no less)

I would have thought the same thing had I noticed the ARTs when I went in with a friend. I thought during the initial presentation that the sound was quite good in this Luxman suite. Then Ted Demming started his talk. He took all the ARTs down and the music stopped being so good. My exact expression was, "shit." Everyone clamored for him to put them back. Later he demonstrated the cables with and without the charging. Again one noticed but no clamoring.

He had mentioned a show special on the ARTs. Several of us approached him immediately. Yes, it is too hard to believe, but IMHO it is true. I told five guys from the Philadelphia Audio Society the next breakfast. They were doubting, but agreed it was easy to just go hear the demonstration. All but one bought on the spot.
I see the link on Dagogo's web site for the Acosutic ART review but nothing else- perhaps Dagogo's web master needs to fix the link to your review?

Anyway I have a set on order and should be listening to it in my system this weekend. I'll report back.
Shellie the link is now up. Remember that I had to tweak my system to get the best results, including removing my source equipment from the first reflection point.
I just read the review- very interesting if brief. Would you say the benefits of the Acoustic ART System are worth the price of admission? In other words, could the same money be spent elsewhere in a system and yield the same results for less money? These days I am looking for the biggest bang for my audio buck.