System advice

My system is thus:

Vandersteen 2CE sigs
Anthem MCA 20 amp
Anthem TLP1 preamp/tuner
VPI Scout with Dynavector 10x5 and SDS
Audioquest Diamondback ICs
Denon dual deck CD player/recorder

I'm thinking about upgrading but I don't have any specific complaints about any particular component in my current setup. I do know it's lacking compared to higher end setups I have heard but again, nothing I can enumerate.
I have about $2k to spend.
Can you recommend any component replacement or tweak that would make a clear improvement for that amount? Thanks in advance.
Ag insider logo xs@2xkmulkey
I would look at upgrading amp and preamp, especially to tubes. Vandys have a lot of potential, and your analog rig is nice too. You can get more out of them. Search the archives for suggestions on what others use w/their Vandys. Cheers,
You should really explore isolation/dampening components for each of your components. Start with your source components first. You will be amazed at how much more performance you can get out of your existing system. I am amazed at just how much of a difference the Symposium line of products have worked for me over the years.
"I do know it's lacking compared to higher end setups I have heard but again, nothing I can enumerate."

You have a serious problem. If you cannot describe what your system is lacking, how can you expect to fix it?

As a first step, you might consider having a pro come in and sonically audit your room. This will at least point out any problems the room my be causing and may help to pinpoint a solution for you. You may be able to do this by engaging the help of a fellow Audiogoner nearby...Where do you live?

Best Wishes,
