Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
No, I am getting the Evolution Omega's speaker cables with the Evolution Zero interconnects. I am not even thinking about Grandmaster anything. You got to draw the line somewhere and this is where I think it's insanity spending that king of money....Not needed. The Evolutions will have no equal which will be good enough for me.
whart, tell us a bit about the veloce equipment, I know nothing about them, chime in, this thread you can talk about anything!
Ypsilon gear is just plain magical. The sound is absolutely breathtaking. Your basically getting the best of SET design along with power of solid state. If anyone ever gets the chance to hear this gear...YOU MUST GO LISTEN. Trust me....you may not hear anything else like it again. Super transparent with unbelievable detail, tremendous body and texture along with BASS TO DIE FOR ! All of the best attributes....could go on and on....
Hi Guys,

If one of you want to enter the TARA LABS world of PC, my Onyx is for sale!
Bob, you mean you got a free turn table and your money back?, if this is true, some people just have all the luck, You best thank the lord above for that blessing, when the day comes, I hope we are still talking, and I can ask for your help with a turn table, Now about this Krell 700cx amp, man, this thing gets incredibly HOT!,we have exsperienced this amp in the past, some how, it seems Hotter since it operates to specs now, the audio room is really to small for the heat, I run this amp for 15.5 hours yesterday, it was like having the stove opened to heat a home, I believe I am going to get a battery operated fan to blow the air across the amps top to help keep it cooler, now the amp needs to be a little hot to sound it's best, that's just the way pure class A operates, plus, I believe the 20 amp receptical I have is inadequete for the amp,LOL!, it's a $6.50 20 amp recepticle, I will soon be getting the best Oyaide R-1 recepticle or a Best Furetech recepticle, and input a single pole 30 amp breaker, and take the 20 amp breaker OUT, This will make the amp effortless!, should run cooler too, cheers.