Tekton custom grills

There are some active discussions concerning the delivery of speakers and specifically speaker grills for the incredible Tekton Speakers. But nothing on this forum. I'm now nine months waiting on grill delivery. Anyone else??

I think this thread remains a good example of "ya gets what ya's pays for."
Of course, the popularity of Tekton relies a lot on the idea you are actually getting more than you are paying for, in terms of sound quality relative to other manufacturer's prices.  And that's great.  But reality can't totally be escaped - and it seems the general fit and finish (from reports I've read) and customer service remains in the "get what you pay for" realm.
Frankly the issues stated here would drive me nuts, and I'm willing to pay more for better service/finish/aesthetics etc.
Mr M...I actually agree with you and roll my eyes when fanboys chime.I heard Tekton, ive seen them,tap on the cabinets ,examine the quality,looked at the Eminence drivers.Junk imo,the cabinets have little to no  engineering research behind them,they look like junk,Tap on one,come on,lol.Selected drivers,thats a joke.How many who bought Tektons complained about mismatched speakers,one blue one grey,lol..Let's face it Eminence is not on the cutting edge of technology.I get that for some its an upgrade but lets examine what speakers are being replaced,and dont feed me that bs replaces 30k speakers,bunk,Constant complaints follow this company,from grills not fitting,no holes in cabinets, or ariving at all,Mismatched speakers,cap used were not as advertised, poor paint on the horrble look caninets...on and on.....and ive heard them!
I got mine in December and the paint is flaking where the grills touch the cabinets. 
I had considered Tektons for my SE amp...liked the efficiency but had no place to hear them, and "buy and return" doesn't do it for me. Bought a pair of new "open box" Capitol Edition (75th anniversary of Capitol Records...meh...) Klipsch Heresy IIIs for 1000 bucks off list, and the grills were sort of saggy (look at the pic on the Klipsch site and those are saggy also), so I bought a pair of stock Heresy black grills that look great (and it was easy to move the  "special" badge to the new grills). I mentioned all this to Klipsch and they said..."sorry"...and offered to send me new grills for free. Now THAT'S the way you do it, and Tekton should address this grill thing as, hey...it's competitive out there.
"Any company can make a good pair of loudspeakers but it takes consistency to make them great." Really!

No company is perfect. I can assure you that I have purchased several products from reputable companies that end up being defective.

It’s the nature of production. As a person who has done production for years, failure just happens. It’s how often that is important.

I don’t know you mr_m. But have you ever run a business? Ever done production? It’s not easy. Out of thousands and thousands of speakers sold how many really did not meet the customer’s expectations. I’m guessing not too many or we would hear hundreds and hundreds of issues. From what I can tell most customers seem happy.

Have you heard any of Tekton’s speakers in a controlled environment? Just curious? Not saying that Tekton’s speakers are for everyone, but listening
and then offering an opinion it’s more credible. But in the end, it is still an opinion.

As far as the grille situation. That could be improved.


Did you read any of my posts closely? Not once have I dissed the sound of Tekton. And no, I have not heard a pair. I mainly commented on construction technique and quality control. I have been to a quality speaker manufacturer called Legacy Loudspeakers. I'm sure you have heard of them. Their quality is beyond reproach. Each and every speaker is checked over and over for quality. Grills are custom made for each pair individually because the slightest offset will make an ill fitting pair of grills or ones that won't  stay on the speaker at all.  Bill Dudleston, the chief designer of Legacy listens to every pair of loudspeakers that go out his door and he makes damn sure that each speaker matches the final prototype. Do they have quality issues at times? Of course they do, but they will rectify the problem ASAP. Customer service is paramount to them. I know this because I know Bill Dudleston personally.

Finally, sir, I have never run a business but I have done production. I ran a 25 Million dollar piece of machinery that would produce a raw product worth $10,000 each every two hours. I had to simultaneously run three computers to monitor specifications so as nothing was out of spec. My job and livelihood depended on it. There wasn't a day that I worked for 30 years that I could have been fired for even one out of spec product if I had gotten careless or indifferent. This is very important when one of your customers is Boeing, if you get my drift.....
Dont bother debating the Tekton boys,its all a fake news,no collusion,witch hunt mentallity.
You assume I’m a Tekton boy as you put it. I would defend other companies as well and have If I feel they don't deserve it. Also, I build my own speakers thank you, and know how hard it is? That's all. 

As a general rule, I hate conflict and wish posts were more civil. Calling people names. I don’t think we’re in grade school anymore.

I do agree if I had 25 million dollars I could probably build some pretty accurate speakers and would be pretty mad if the machine I had did not have a real tight tolerance.

Well, I’m out I’ve got more important things to do instead of arguing over silly things. Never should have posted. was not worth my time, as a matter of fact, I might take an audiogon forum vacation.

I have ascertained that the paint flaking on my DIs is due entirely to my mishandling them and not a fault in the paint job. 

The grill cloth is glued then staples onto the back of the grill frame. This is all well and good. I am not complaining (except some of the sticky glue is exposed, but that is nitpicking and not the issue here).

The problem is this:

With the grills on the speakers, I was repositioning them by pressing the grills against the face of the speakers when pushing them back. The flaking is actually the staples chipping the paint. It is only apparent at the precise location that I press to push the speakers back. 

I post this for a few reasons:

1) I am a fan of the sound these speakers produce in my room, but I am not a fanboy. I don’t regret my purchase AT ALL and hope Tekton van eventually work out the grill issue. Yet this thread is getting nasty, and I would like to separate myself from that nastiness.

2) Hopefully other Tekton owners can avoid this issue if they reposition their speakers with grills.

3) I am also not going to post on this thread anymore, and I am thankful nobody will miss me either.

I’ll miss ya!!!!!!! :)
Your post helped me avoid having that issue. I put Gorilla tape on the stapled area.
I will be ordering my DI tomorrow. Have the color selected and ordering the grill cloth from Acoustex.  On their site, they state that their cloth allows 98 percent of the sound transmission. If I have this correct, Tekton said that one option is a standard grill that they offer that is painted. The other option is the Acoustex material.  I'm assuming that a painted grill would not be very appropriate.
Will order two sets of grills, different colors, for options. 
To be delivered together with final payment upon delivery. I've already waited two years looking for a bargain on Goldenear Ones. gave up since none were for sale around me. So Tekton can take their time.