Teton monitors from Wavetouch Audio - A Must Hear

In the market for a pair of monitors recently, to gain more living spaces that being taken over by the growing LPs collection and the Wilson Sophia that I have put up for sale, I start doing some audition, googleing and look around. I know it's going to be a tough task finding any speakers that could produce the sound I have used to for many years from the Sophia.

To make sure I don't make a mistake and miss out on the big names, the likes of Harbert, Tannoy, B&W, psb, sonus....I start hitting the showrooms of LA. All of them are good, decent speakers but they don't strike me as possible replacements for the giant Wilson, three times their sizes. Then I found an unknown brand advertised, kevlar, horn tweeter and exotic rosewood in all. The rosewood always got me, I contacted the owner for a listen. A copy cat of B&W it turn-out and the speakers were bought in lots for testing and experiments by Alex Yoon of Wavetouch Audio in LA. Alex then let me take a peak listen to something he was 'putting together' as he said, and fine-tuning for review at StereoTimes. I hastily agreed. We headed for the studio where he does his work, the size of a four-car garage.

There I was introduced to a pair of tiny monitors, the 'Grand Teton', I later learned, in rich, exotic Russian birchwood that one can tell of top-notch quality, carefully and meticulously put together. We spent the next two hours listen to tracks after tracks of acoustic, instrumentals and vocals music. The monitors fill the huge studio with music as if a pair of 5-foot tall floor standing were in used. Soundstage were ceiling high and 6-foot deep. Vocals were in-your-face with each instrument precisely positioned as if we had attented a jazz rehearsal in a garage. I immidiately inquired about a pair for home audition. This could be the Wilson replacement, I said to myself with reservation. May be Alex had the room treated or using special equipments. But his gear is very mediocre.

Two week past and Alex deliver the monitors for audition. The same pair but has now been finely tuned. Personally position the monitors in my living room, Alex going over some adjustments tips, give me a week to test the monitors and head back to LA. Two day of comparison between the Grand Teton and the Sophia side-by-side, guitar, piano, vocals and everything in between. I contacted Alex and convinced him to leave the sample, don't come back for it and it was purchased with proceed from the Sophia sale. The Grand Teton is now in my living room replacing the giant Wilson for 1/10 the cost, 1/10 the size and not a note missing.

Quite a task for its size. Highly recommended and a must to audiition if you can arrange for one. It will be time well spent just to listen to it.

Music Fanatic,
Irvine, CA
My goal as an audio forum bully is to see weakness and POUNCE. I hope this
provides the answer to the question "I don't know what Wolf is trying to
do." I don't enjoy this (or I really do enjoy it), but hey...it's the law of the
jungle. By the way, very few of my specific (or a simply self indulgent lack of
mirth control) points of criticism have been actually addressed in this thread
including the ridiculous patent and other claims on the Wavetouch website,
so...uh...bite me.
Bite yourself loser. The name Wolf is a joke like you. You intimidate no one. Losers like yourself don't have goals, only too much time on their hands because they have no real friends.
Jungle? Maybe you need more counseling for your PTSD.

TO ALL MEMBERS: Wolf is no bully looking to pounce on the weak...
He just enjoys harassing good people because he knows he will never be one.

Wolf_garcia is one to be pitied and rejected which is what he really wants anyway in his twisted world.

I think somehow my post was not well understood by After_hrs, but grabbing any opportunity to become hysterical may have health benefits...so it's a "win win."
Two months after my first post about these speakers I am still enjoying them immensely.... I have actually moved furniture around to accommodate them.

I am just laughing at all the negative posts... How can you possibly make a judgement on anything in audio until you have personally heard it? Even then very good equipment can sometimes sound poor in a bad room or with bad placement....
I purchased the Wavetouch Audio Grand Teton SEs a couple of months ago and they are the best monitors I have ever owned. Some of the previous monitors I have owned are Peak Consult Princess, Merlin TSM-MXEs, Audio Note AX-2 Signature, AAD Silver Signature, JM Reynaud Signature Twin, Coincident Triumph UHS Signature Revised, Triangle 25th Anniversary Comete, ProAc 25th Anniversary Tablette, and I am sure a few others I can't think of at the moment. In my 9'x 13' bedroom with a 10' ceiling the Grand Teton SEs clearly outperformed all of these monitors and each of the monitors I listed above are very fine monitors so I am not knocking them. The Grand Teton SEs are dynamic, detailed without being thin sounding, tonally correct, image very well and have tons of PRAT. These are fun monitors, but not fatiguing! I have given my honest impressions in my room with my equipment, tube and solid state BTW, and I have no affiliation with the company and I have never even spoken to the Alex, the owner and designer. My contact with him has been solely through email.
I don't understand why some members are attacking posters who give positive impressions of this speaker, I understand they are produced by a very small company with a little bit of an unorthodox design, but have an open mind because most of todays well established high end companies started very small, like WaveTouch. A forty day money back trial, less shipping costs, is given so one can try them in their listening room with their equipment and determine if the Grand Tetons work for them.