The Best Compliment You've Gotten On Your Rig?

My brother-in-law entered my home as jazz was playing on my system. After about three songs, the announcer came on and started to speak..and my brother-in-law looked at me with amazement.."that was the radio??!!

He could not believe he was listening to a radio station. It was my killer Sansui TU-X1 tuner doing its thing. Best compliment I could ever receive. My bro-in-law is not an audiophile.
Best so far is... "Are those regular cd's or speacial order cd's"?
Second best... "Now I see why people spend crazy money on stereo equipment. I didn't know that there was a three dimensional soundstage to stereo".
My fiance & I attended a Keb'Mo' concert and she turned to me and said "wow he sounds as good as he does at home!"
Many people make no comment which I interpret as them wondering how much money I wasted on this junk. One friend looked at the speakers and gasped and said "They are huge!". Then she proceeded to draw parallels with the connection between large cars and parts of the anatomy, and took great delight in estimating that I would probably rank last place in the city.
Usual comment I get is how "clear" it sounds, and questions about the location of the rear speakers.
The best comment came from a friend who brought his jazz CD over. We put it on and he went unusually quiet for a few minutes and then said "wow, this really brings the music to life". Another was hunting around for the right word to describe the sound and then said "magical".
By contrast, my father's elderly friend took a glance at my high end set up which includes mono blocks, pre-amp, exotic cables etc...and said: "That sounds alright. Is it a Samsung?". I said "yes", and he seemed quite satisfied. On his way out he told me he still thinks that Sony sounds better.
great thread... for me, this is a 3 way tie.. even though I have never owned a truly elite system, there are still some great memories..

1) many years ago I was playing a classical piano recording using my B&W DM7's with some very nice cartridge and my friend Joe thought my brother was playing piano in the next room.

2) my 33 year old son now considers 70's vintage Genesis, Yes, ELP. etc.. his music.

3) My current girlfriend, who is Chinese (I live in Dongguan..she calls the stereo room my "song room") said to me something to the effect "nie booyanda" (translates like "you are different") while she was watching me using nylon wire-ties to fix a panel of acoustic foam while mounting it to a frame from one of those temporary clothing closets/storage racks to use as a rear diffusion panel behind the speakers..
Fun thread!
My Prima Luna usually gets a lot of comments because of the way it looks and the Joseph Audio have been getting a lot of "wow, great sound coming from those bookshelf speakers!"
I had an audiophile friend give my rig a listen and he said, "I've never heard a rig sound so coherent."
"That sounds alright. Is it a Samsung?". I said "yes", and he seemed quite satisfied. On his way out he told me he still thinks that Sony sounds better.
An anecdote:
My friend is a lifelong audiophile who has committed a great deal of time, effort and money (close to six figures) in building his system. I’ve never met anyone more proud of an effort. And so it was that he was beyond thrilled when he called to tell me that a professional reviewer was to be his guest that evening. I called him at work the next day to ask how it went. He was absolutely crushed. Apparently, after only about 5 minutes of listening, and without comment, the reviewer asked, very matter of factly, if they could just watch TV.
Many compliments on my system over the years, with a very common one being friends who want to "just listen for a few minutes," but wind up staying for hours and saying "can I hear just one more song ?" But probably the most meaningful compliment has always been from my Dad (who is now enjoying the world's greatest music from his own listening seat up in heaven) who would sit in front of my system and listen to the incredible live version of Brubeck's "Take Five" with his eyes closed, his toes tapping, and a big sloppy grin on his face.
"can I hear just one more song ?"

Adam18, That’s the greatest compliment, and the one I think most of us want to hear. You must have achieved something special.
few very nice compliments that really made me feel very proud.

One guy kept looking around the room and asked where all the speakers war. I told him that we were listening to the 2 Dali Helicons in front of us. He kept looking around and said it sounds like you have sound coming from speakers all over the place.

Another nice comment was made by a very nice couple who were members of of Chicago musical band.... If i remember correctly, it was either a jazz or blues band. They had come to buy a pair of B&W speakers from me. They loved listening to the B&W before paying and discussed their taste in music and so forth. Before they left, I asked if they wanted to listen to my main system so we went down to my audio room. I put on ITunes so they could choose what they wanted to hear. I think they listened for about an hour. They thanked and said they had never heard music as good as this and that is was a true experience for them both. I took that as a huge complement coming from professional musicians..
I work in an elementary school and one of the teachers is a singer in a rock group that performs on weekends. She knows I am into music in a big way and stopped by my house to give me a cd of the bands latest performance. She looked at my stereo and asked me how much money I had invested. When I told her I spent between 35-40 grand, she remarked that "I didn't know Bose made such expensive stuff"

I had her sit in my listening chair and put on the cd she brought over. Within minutes, she was crying and said she never realized how good her voice really sounded.
I'm not sure if this qualifies as a compliment but when I was muuuuch younger I created a monster system wrapping my maggie tympani's around my bed in the front and a pair of 1.4's in the back. Then I had people sit in the middle of the bed and put on Dark side of the moon or I Robot and you should have seen the looks on their faces when they emerged from behind the screens.......Either they met God or satan but one thing was certain it had a visceral effect!!! Funny Thing is I was using a yamaha cd player and a pioneer integrated amp!! Until I crispy crittered the amp months later!
When an audiophile friend came over to listen and I asked him a few days later how he liked my system. His reply :

"I was enjoying the music playback so much that I forgot to look out for the strengths and weaknesses"

Of course source was vinyl
My dad came to visit. I put on a CD with a well-centered stereo image and he thought the sound was comming from the vents on top of my amplifier! Talk about disappearing speakers.
Back in my single days I had a female with me while listening to Johnny Hartman.She said "wow,makes me want to have sex."